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[–]strictly 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

Repulsion is a physiological response.

It's a way of saying unwanted sex is unwanted so you avoid it.

I used to be repulsed by snot and poop until I had to take care of young children.

I think your actions would probably reveal you are still repulsed (washing your hands after touching poop, wanting a hygienic partner etc, but I might be wrong).

I’m not repulsed by penises... I wouldn’t want to put one in my mouth.

Which one is it? You wouldn't mind it? (aka not repulsed) Or would it be a negative experience? (aka you are a bit repulsed).

I am not excited about them. I could probably have sex with one. It would be disconnected sex, but that’s my choice.

Why would you willingly choose to have sex you don't want? If you don't want the sex then there is no reason to have it. Anyway, you talk about women who pursue sex with men because they find sex with men lukewarm enough to be worthy of pursuing. So they enjoy sex with men, and pursue it because they enjoy it, they just enjoy sex with women more. That is being bisexual with a preference for women in my eyes.

[–]Skipdip[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I mean I see where you’re coming from. But I don’t really agree, because I know I am lesbian. ~Storytime~

I’ve never felt anything real for a man past puberty. I prefer female vocalists to male vocalists. My attention always goes to the woman in movies with a romantic subplot. I have fallen in love exclusively with women. I have innumerable crushes and attractions all on women. When I sleep with my girlfriend i feel like I could spend eternity there.

Growing up I always ran away from men who were interested in me, even though I accepted dates to the prom and such from them. I would flirt but then avoid them, even if they were objectively attractive. When I think about having sex with men it’s because I want the woman to be jealous and to see that I can do it too (because I am jealous or insecure or whatever). I always get jealous of women’s boyfriends, I’ve never felt jealous of a woman. I consciously picked Ewan MeGregor as my celebrity crush in high school because I felt I needed one too. Meanwhile I am reading a 500 page autobiography on Louise Brooks who is so dreamy, and my favorite movie was Fucking Åmål. But I was straight! I was sure I was straight I was just practical and shy. Once a girl I had seen and thought was cute in cinema club.. came up to me and told me she had a crush on me. I was repulsed and I thought about her vagina like “ew no vaginas are gross, that wasn’t a real attraction, I’m straight” and I told her sorry I was straight. I was weird enough, I was bad at fashion and no girl would ever like me. I always felt spicy and drawn to the pretty smart graceful fun straight girls, who almost always it seemed, had attractive boyfriends. Their boyfriends made me uncomfortable because I knew that I was attracted to them because I was straight. My stomach would tense up because I was attracted to them, and my heart rate would raise. I knew I was gonna start dating at some point but for some reason I just didn’t want to. But also I did want to and I wanted them to like me. Just when they did I wasn’t ready because I was so awkward.

I would imagine faceless male bodies with dicks in my fantasies, or bdsm with faceless males. When I tried to imagine women I couldn’t even picture what to do with them and I was grossed out by vaginas.

Fast forward and I had fallen in love for the first time with a woman, but she was my teacher so it couldn’t happen. Afterwards I was so broken hearted and alone for a bit, but then this hot girl who was way out of my league and mostly straight drunk kissed me because she heard I was bisexual. That was my first real kiss and it was like fireworks. She stopped it after a second and was like “hmm guess I’m not into her after all”. I spent the next year “friends” with her, watching her fuck a bunch of men, hoping dreaming someday we could be together. But in the moment once I left the bathroom at the party I went to a side room with a couch. In there was this handsome boy who had an interest in me, and I wanted someone because I was the only one in my new cool international friend group (of conventionally attractive awesome women) who didn’t have a guy I was seeing or fucking. In fact I had never had sex and I was 19. So I picked this man and he was sweet. We kissed for a while and it was fine. It was like a lone mini firework in an empty warehouse. His lips were dry which I noticed, but I was drunk so I was grateful to have the company and to be cool.

I proceeded to “date” him for half a year. He was a sweet guy. I liked him. We would get together and make out and cuddle and feel each other up, which was sort of nice I guess, but it got old and I’d kind of sit there going through the motions thinking about his chapped lips. Sometimes I really didn’t like his smell. I kept telling him we weren’t in a relationship and he’d be like “wHyYyyyy?” “Why do girls play hard to get?”. In my mind I was like oh I am not playing lol. I would 100% have had sex with him if he wasn’t waiting for marriage. I wanted to have sex with him, so I could not be a virgin and I could catch up with my friends so that Alicia would think I’m cool enough to date her. We all went to clubs and I danced with men and kissed men. One night we were all out and Alicia was dancing with this guy she was fucking, and I was with this other guy who was kind of a creepy asshole but conventionally attractive. We kissed and he teased me and I was just annoyed. Like “what are you teasing me for, I don’t care. Just kiss me”. He asked me in an annoying way to come to his hotel with him, and I was like “no” and I left to go to the bathroom. Then I left the club and walked away starting to cry. One of my friends came out and I said “I think I’m lesbian” she was like “oh, it’s ok you don’t have to be with men”. After that night I went back to thinking I was bisexual, because I must be wrong, of course I could be attracted to men. I was really mostly straight, I just focused on women because it was easier and safer. I was probably not as into men as I was women, because of trauma.

[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Oh my god, just stop. This is the definition of an overshare and disrespectful. No one wants to come to a lesbian forum to hear about your dick fantasies.

[–]Skipdip[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Don’t read it if you don’t want to. I really don’t care if you feel it’s an over share. I am lesbian. I have no interest or attraction towards men. How you do not see that is beyond me.

[–][deleted] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Oh trust me, I only skimmed it and I won't be doing more than that. And in it you're constantly talking about dicks and men, even when you're talking about sleeping with a girl.

Why on earth do you think we would want to read a detailed description of you having sex with a man? Like I'm famous for being "the bi-het defender", but this just sickens me.

[–]Skipdip[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You know what; I honestly totally respect that. If you don’t want to read about dicks, that is your right and boundary. I get why you wouldn’t. I have always been around straight people (or male gays) and innundated with straight culture and expectations. Lesbian was not remotely an option for me in my mind, I was just “practical” or asexual. Not only that but I grew up in the virulent misogny of male nerd culture. I internalized a rediculous amount of stuff that I am still working out. Its hard and confusing for me as well, but I assure myself: If I was bi, I would know by now. I’ve never had an attraction to a man.