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[–]winterwillow 15 insightful - 16 fun15 insightful - 15 fun16 insightful - 16 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah and how do they know his gender identity? Maybe he’s a closeted freeballing transbian lol

[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 18 insightful - 7 fun18 insightful - 6 fun19 insightful - 7 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah and how do they know his gender identity? Maybe he’s a closeted freeballing transbian lol

You jest, but honestly, this is what I always wonder-- how can the trans-proponents act as though everyone but THEM is automatically "cis"? What about self-ID? And the unparalleled horror that is "misgendering"? Didn't every single woman there just... assume her lust-objects' gender??? Ooh, the transphobes! REEEEE

Maybe that's how to end the Reign of Trans once and for all: simply make people like this live by their own rules. No more assuming anyone's gender; no more attraction based on biological sex. They have to act as though EVERYONE is a "gender special" until proven otherwise, with all the awkwardness and inconvenience that this entails, plus their own loss of status (to quote Syndrome in The Incredibles: "If everyone is special... then no one is."). And they'll be obliged to ignore biological sex in favor of "gender" when dating/mating-- it'll be trans4trans across the board! Transbians, get over your penis repulsion and shut up about "muh dysphoria": all that girldick ain't gonna suck itself!

Being forced to practice what they preach oughtta cure 'em of transgenderism right quick.