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[–][deleted]  (4 children)


    [–]BEB 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

    I've come to the conclusion, after a relatively long time on Earth, that men cannot understand, at all, what women go through. And I am far from a man-hater, having had extremely close male friends, including gay male friends.

    I think some men can feel sympathy and protectiveness towards women -and the gay men of my youth tended to be very sweet and much more likely to understand women than straight men.

    But, while I think that men can and should be GC - because everyone should - and also advocate for women's rights, I don't think men can be feminists in the way women are, because men just don't get women's experiences. How could they?

    This makes the claims of transgender activists, such as "transwomen are women" even more insulting, because these men are not just appropriating women's experiences - which they have no friggin' clue about - but also trying to claim our biology. And our biology, to a huge extent, is the source of women's oppression.

    Pregnancy, menstruation, childbirth, menopause, and the myriad differences between the bodies of men and women are not experienced by men, no matter how they feel in their heads.

    Since the vast majority of trans-identified males don't pass, they shouldn't even attempt to claim that they are treated as women. They are not.

    Trans-identified males are treated as men, whether they dress as men or not. Or they are treated as some strange and exotic creature, which many "liberals" fetishize and many conservatives think are nuts, but they are not treated as women.

    I first learned of gender critical feminism when it became a thing in the UK so I am familiar with Stonewall and - what was her name - Ruth Hunt? - who sold LGB out, especially her fellow lesbians.