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[–]lostandconfused[S] 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thank you all for the well thought out responses! I admit I was a little bit nervous posting about my experience but you have all been very kind and helpful. It makes me wish I had this sort of validation through my teen years as opposed to being validated into the completely incorrect identity.

And yes, you are exactly right when you say that people essentially gaslight you into believing these things...acting like you're lying to yourself or are just hiding in the closet about gender identity. It's extremely harmful to one's mental health and I hope that my experience can lead me to stop others from going down the same path. It's just impossible to talk about in this current age without being called out as hateful. I've picked up that maybe a lot of people on this forum are from EU so I don't know how bad it's gotten there, but in the USA people my age are extremely dogmatic about these things and speaking out on it can basically destroy your social life.

I will try to take your advice and be more careful about the circles I let myself enter and hopefully I can meet more LGB members who are on the same page. The idea of searching for a therapist makes me very nervous, as I already feel fragile as I am and worry that most of them will try to convince me of the same things I've been trying to break away from, but I will do my best to seek out one that definitely won't as I think professional help would do me good. Thank you all again.

[–]Constantine 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hi there,

You're right that you need to be careful about these things given the current climate. I also get the sense that a lot of posters here or on other GC subs/forums are either in other countries or a bit older than us. This kind of stuff can get us fired or worse, and I would be very careful if I were you seeking out a therapist who won't try and push you back down this path. I was very fortunate to find one who is also GC, but that was kind of an accident.

I think the best advice I could give you is to just ask people a lot of questions without straight out (no pun intended, lol) revealing your true feelings on the matter. You'll better be able to get a sense of the person's reaction if you throw up some trial balloons. Such as, asking how someone feels about cancel culture more generally and moving up from there.

I also want to say that I also totally understand where you're coming from and really struggled with this stuff myself, though I never went fully down the rabbit hole. You're not alone - there are all kinds of us out there, we just don't have a lot of ways of finding each other for the aforementioned reasons.

I hope things work out okay for you. It takes a lot of strength and intelligence to question dogma like this when it sucks you in so deep.