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[–][deleted] 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I think the fundamental origin of this stems from people, mostly forgotten even among these children pushing these new ideas, that you can change reality by changing language. I sincerely doubt anyone seriously believes this somehow maps to reality, but would rather argue reality is "subjective" and therefore by changing language you change reality. These people fundamentally reject objectivity, reject science, reject reality, in favor of what will inevitably amount to an appeal to majority. An appeal to force and mob mentality. While it may ultimately be true that force can dictate what people think, it will never ultimately change what truth is, and they hate that.

[–]MezozoicGayoldschool gay 11 insightful - 11 fun11 insightful - 10 fun12 insightful - 11 fun -  (3 children)

Name "dead person" as "alternatively alive" and everyone will start living forever! People will just change way of living.

[–][deleted] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

That is my criticism of this kind of thing, yes. I reject the idea of relativism. Truth will be absolute, unrecognized truth still has consequences. The meteor falling without your knowledge will still annihilate you.

[–]luckystar 7 insightful - 4 fun7 insightful - 3 fun8 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

I love to play with these.

"I'm a meat eating vegan, we exist, we are valid."
"Saying a person needs to have children to be considered a mother? Wow, who are you to gatekeep motherhood. You should really stay in your lane and listen to me, a childless mother, when it comes to mothers' issues."

"Why do you think somebody has to know how to ride a bicycle to be considered a cyclist? That's just your ableist bicyclenormative bias showing, a cyclist doesn't have to ever ride a bicycle to be valid."

"Yes I'm a Harvard graduate. Your ivory tower stereotypes expect me to have a "transcript" or "diploma"? WoW, gatekeeping much?"

[–]Questionable 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can't help feel people are defining relativism wrong. Or to say, people are using it on incorrect terms, thus losing the functionality of the word for proper debate. As is, defining it as a philosophical theory, and not a simple word creates a quagmire that destroys meaning and allows for dishonest players. Things are relative, this is true. Yet add 'ism to the end, implying theory, and suddenly being relevant no longer actually has meaning.

This debases the term relevant, changing it from a sliding scale, to a scale without a base. It becomes an excuse to simply change the rules infinity. In short, there is no point debating relativism as is, as that it's just a set of rules that break pre-existing self evident rules. It's deception, pure and true, with the only purpose being of changing the facts to match the desired outcome.

Sorry, I guess I never realized how loosely philosophy defines this term, or more acuratly how liberally people have abused it. Up until now, I've only seen the word as being an extension of relevance, and not just a tool to say or do anything that one pleases.