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[–]ThisSiteIsUnusable 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Phrased indelicately, but you do have a point about men being something of a black hole for women's efforts. I have gay male friends who I care for very much, who randomly escaped the death sentence that more than decimated their community, their friends and their lovers. The trauma they suffered as young men watching everyone around them dying is still affects them more than 30 years later. It has shaped their lives and of course I have compassion for that.

...However. It is notable that every group I've ever worked with that provided help to mostly men (Project Open Hand, prison reform and death penalty abolition, some aspects of homeless outreach) has had women heavily involved at every level, sometimes actually being the majority of the volunteers and employees. The reverse has not been true of any of the organizations that provide help to mostly women, all of which were 80-100% female. Rude as it may sound to say bluntly, women's willingness to fight for, protect and take care of men is not reciprocated. It is understandable to think that we should stop carrying men and redirect that labor and money toward women's concerns.