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[–]kokolokoNightcrawler[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You don't know history.

I take that as an offense: From Knights Templars to the Medici in Italy to Columbus in Spain...THE DEVIL has managed to infiltrate the Holy Church thoroughly! How, you might ask...Well, for one, the Catholic Church was not setup based on Christ teachings. It was a state and a bank on its own and Jesus never intended such a carnal presence, but a Heavenly one, the "Church of God".

One should carry Jesus in one's heart and just follow His words and teachings. No piety tax and no interpreters needed.

I can tell, from your own words, that you admire the organized Church as just another political party. Even though that party is responsible for failed Crusades, blind obedience of it's subjects and child exploitation on a grand scale.

Our Lord will NOT LET us be "crushed" by force! The Romans couldn't in all their might when we were just but a handful, unorganized, FAITHFUL.

YOu submitted to me Alinsky's garbage pamphlet, probably as a reasoning to embrace another FAILED counter to that, the National socialist demonic possession...Right?!

I learn history so I don't have to repeat it. How about you, brother?