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[–][deleted]  (28 children)


    [–]Xas 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (27 children)

    The problem is you see a rare once in a blue moon pity relationship, and you go wow bravo these are super common and many perhaps most disabled have caring wives. But the reality is quite different, in many if not the vast majority of cases such are cared by direct family or institutions.

    And not just handicapped but below average looking men will invoke a feeling of disgust and make women feel uncomfortable, upon approach, to the vast majority of women.

    You put a disabled woman on a dating site and she'll get dozens if not hundreds of contacts. Put a disabled man online dating and not a single response.

    Sometimes gold diggers go for below average looking men, but you often see those wealthy ugly men with their beautiful wives acting with disdain and disgust in public, let alone in private. Some do hide it better. And again there may be other reasons, and rare exceptions. But they are the exception not the rule.

    I can point to you a lottery winner and tell you how, see, anyone can be rich. But that is just as valid as your example of the lucky cripple having frequent sex with a loving companion.

    Even in cases were women are married to a loving caring man, many times the relation ends in divorce if the man ends up crippled or severely disfigured, even when there are kids involved.

    [–][deleted]  (26 children)


      [–]Xas 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (25 children)

      That's the problem, you seem to think people are not still trying(if we were in an economic depression and someone posted how hard it is to find a job on a sub reddit, discussion/=not still looking for a job). As for those who've tried for decades, perhaps gotten a rare one to two year relation that ended bad, maybe their experience tells them better.

      In any case, it is very interesting seeing the true nature of human relations exposed.

      Why is it that when certain guys enter the room all the women start subtly looking at them, and some starts spontaneously approaching them or flirting openly. Why is it that certain guys have learnt to hire attractive escorts with them, escorts that leave after a while(and don't have sex with them), but other women having seen their faked interest in them at the club, take them as evaluated as fit by other attractive women and start paying attention to them.

      There are many interesting explanations for behavior seen out in the wild. One I found funny was the chad who got a mugshot that went viral and became wealthy from others giving him money just because he was good-looking. While the below average crook gets to enjoy jail time and poverty, the chad gets fame and fortune just for committing a crime, and not just fame and fortune but plenty of women approaching him. That's the difference chad gets wealth and sex merely for being, even if he commits a felony perhaps even for committing a felony as in that case. And don't think it is just that either, promotions, deals, etc are given to him merely for being.