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[–]spleen1138 537 points 2 years ago

Much respect to the folks that manage to handle it without becoming toxic and spiteful like the incel crowd.

[–]UPRC 236 points 2 years ago

I dunno, it's not hard to remain a normal human being just because you didn't stick your dick in someone/have a dick get put in you. I'd like to think that I'm pretty normal at least!

[–]SlapstickVampire 104 points 2 years ago

Yeah, i feel like there is something else serious going on with the incels. They seem to internalize stupidly rigid gender roles at higher rates, and have low estimations of themselves sometimes and others other times (maybe as a defense for their low self esteem). But most of all, it doesn't seem like anyone gave them the tools to actually deal with those feelings in a constructive way. Which just points to either abuse, or more overly-rigid gender roles that tell men they're not allowed to fail/be sad/be human.

[–]tyrico 38 points 2 years ago

Everyone's sex drive is different. I just assume they are always people with very high sex drive and very low social status (for whatever reason) that can't get laid and are super bitter about it. Like an itch that lasts for decades that you can't scratch.

[–]HalloAmico 12 points 2 years ago

I feel like a main problem is that they don't have any contact with people. If you are a virgin at 27 but still friends and family that you care about and that care about you are 99% of the time going to be fine imo. It seems like a lot of the incel people have no contact with anyone other than coworkers (at best) who they don't talk to. I can imagine that having had no interpersonal relationships from 14 to the mid twenties or later can really take a toll on someone.