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[–]Tom_Bombadil 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (8 children)

A Pyrrhic victory; but you're man enough to own it.

Either way, let's put the site-destabilizing behind us, and continue to build from the scorched remains.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (7 children)

Almost a perfect term for this. I knew about it but had forgotten the term, I say almost because there's much more to it. Yes. The phoenix will also rise.

One of my goals has been to get M7 to evolve, not destroy SaidIt nor the community. If this means a couple months of exposing his inadequacies then so be it. I certainly don't wish to drag anyone else into the drama I've chosen to create. I've left out MANY names and I have avoided exposing him much more deeply and I have no interest in utterly shredding him. I've only drawn on recent events. It would be easy to compile lists of examples just from my limited experience and recollections and/or to ask for more. That's unnecessary.

I actually feel bad for M7 but he's been bringing this all on him self. He chooses this path and to be mostly solo - and to alienate people in general.

The beaten dead horse is a skeleton and the emperor wears no clothes. We all see it. This has all been necessary to motivate the folks to the changes we NEED as times are strange, the global tyranny WILL get worse, and things will never get better unless we all collectively prepare our resistance properly. Cory Doctorow said years ago something to the effect that open freedom of communications must be our top priority as everything else is dependent on it. Call me a manipulative social engineering manufacturing consent bastard if you like. Ugly as it may be I've been doing it all in the open with authentic honest intentions being as clear as I can be, whether anyone agrees or not.

Another purpose should be obvious. I've been preparing, inquiring, investigating, and pontificating on a new forum. I do not want to set up my own home servers or home gardens but I know we all need to. It needs to be done to prepare for the future before it's too late to organize properly to resist the technocracy. Not just a guy or two - but ALL of us co-hosting our own instances.

None of this would be possible without propelling the NEED for change, not just a vague want. I'm certainly no mastermind nor some villain, but M7 took every single bait because he's been too busy with whack-a-troll, finding enemies everywhere, even when they are not. This needed to come forth for general justice and for motivation to evolve, with or without him. Sure I took some calculated risks. I knew I could be banned. Either way it would not look good for him. Pros and cons for either.

Maybe all this is just a shitty excuse for my shitty post. But I still think it was as necessary as it was calculating while also being honest. I'm not David and he's not Goliath, but he certainly has several advantages yet stoops to lying, smearing, and nonsense instead of being better. That only makes it worse. More importantly, the censored post was the first time I'd actually asked the community for their valuable feedback and almost all of it was excellent even with diverse views until the interruption. Obviously none of it is a clear cut case.

Today will be my last attempt to ask for a discussion, though obviously not M7's last chance for redemption, which may be a pipe dream. Then I'm done with all of this to wrap up my SaidIt-wide stuff and "quit SaidIt" to focus on my projects, with or without the participation of you, M7, and everyone else. Preferably with.

SaidIt is about more than the owner. Now that it's open and honestly exposed, we can address it, fix it, build on it, and plan for the future. Drama has a purpose, in stories and in life. We wouldn't appreciate the highs without lows and vice versa. With this shitty shit behind us (at least for my part) we can accept it and move on, evolve, and do better. Critically we need as many people to collaborate in decentralizing too or else you just get 2 guys with 2 sites instead of 1 pretending they're resilient. Most of us recognize there are problems. We have solutions to some of them and a few are willing to take steps. There is no need to demonize if there's now a way forward. (By the way, I've never demonized M7. He's been the one to stalk, stoop, and slander. I've only pointed it out.)

SaidIt is built on the shoulders of ye olde Reddit giants, and whatever comes next will be built on the shoulders of the M7 D3 SaidIt giants. Like it or not, all these trials and tribulations are the legacy and a credit to their critical blood sweat and tears along side the tenacity of the sharing community and their critical and critical (2 meanings) content.

[–]Tom_Bombadil 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (6 children)

I actually feel bad for M7 but he's been bringing this all on him self. He chooses this path and to be mostly solo

He only intervenes when issues are created.

You're basically showing up to a party at his house, where you habitually carry on about how the party could be better if he did XYZ.

100% a dick move.

He graciously let you back in to the party, so you could dignify this gesture.

Let him be. Or make your own party bungalow.

Doing both would be ideal.

Parties suck if nobody shows up, but they don't happen if there's no place to party.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (5 children)

He only intervenes when issues are created.

Usually. He intervenes with me when he wants to create issues.

You're basically showing up to a party at his house, where you habitually carry on about how the party could be better if he did XYZ.

Wrong. His private residence is VERY different. This is a public forum, like a public restaurant, store, theater, etc. If I act like an asstroll I should be ejected. If I'm bringing the goods and building the community then it's OUR shared space and earned my place. He's not the boss of me nor anyone else. Sure it's his site but it's OUR community and everyone should be free to voice their opinions, even if you are the guy bitching about the DJ. People are free to ignore that guy. People are free to tell him to shut up. I have support and criticism and everything between.

100% a dick move.

What is?

He graciously let you back in to the party, so you could dignify this gesture.

LOL. He should have never banned me, slandered me, stalked me, and targeted me with his several arbitrary bullshit rules made for me.

Let him be. Or make your own party bungalow.

The next forum will not be mine - it will be OURS. It's not "if" - it IS happening. People needed to see the problems and be motivated, unfortunately.

Doing both would be ideal.

After today the problems will be dropped to focus on solutions.

Part of the branding/propaganda/whatever I plan to utilize over and over and over again will be something like this: "We obviously have problems, but we're working on solutions." We'll need to never forget that we currently have these problems but we're not gonna blame nor dwell on them any more with grander plans for a brighter future. Some people may get bored of this if it's not creatively and interactively done well (developing manifestos, policies, rules, name contests, logo contests, etc etc etc). Ideally it should build up anticipation and a desire to finally try it out and/or outright migrate. All the while we must repair the community with hope and restore good will within it while not abandoning our history, our purpose, and our more stable resilient future.

Very soon I hope to have the others join me in these development discussions in the wide open.

Parties suck if nobody shows up, but they don't happen if there's no place to party.

Truth. I've had a handful of dismal misfires along with vast experience in the art of throwing epic parties. My nickname was "jSunshine", not earned from nothin.

[–]Tom_Bombadil 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (4 children)

Wrong. His private residence is VERY different. This is a public forum, like a public restaurant, store, theater, etc.

These examples are all private.

The analogy is legit.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Your analogy is flawed.

This site and those businesses are OPEN to the public, regardless of who owns them.

Sure it would be nice if there was no government nor regulations, but anarchy is a dream.

So we have the laws of the land, good, bad, and ugly. That means free speech technically should exist and discrimination is technically forbidden. Racist store owners cannot ban people and unless you shout fire in a crowded theater you can share your ideas. OPEN to public, privately owned or not.

I'm surprised you are taking this stance, the same but much bigger regarding the rights of government-funded Corporate Social Media to freely censor their monopoly platforms that are essentially the public square or commons.

There is virtually no lock on the door here, by choice, for anon users without any verification. A questionable choice IMO. Much different than the Corbett Report limited access forum for example, open yet private, requiring donations (or a special invitation for me) and email registration. Even more limited, my old site was just my own content with zero social media.

[–]Tom_Bombadil 4 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 4 fun5 insightful - 5 fun -  (2 children)

Your analogy is flawed.

This site and those businesses are OPEN to the public, regardless of who owns them.

Saidit is open to the public.

Those businesses will all kick out disruptive customers.

Saidit doesn't even require you to wear a face diaper.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, as I said above:

" Wrong. His private residence is VERY different. This is a public forum, like a public restaurant, store, theater, etc. If I act like an asstroll I should be ejected. If I'm bringing the goods and building the community then it's OUR shared space and earned my place. He's not the boss of me nor anyone else. Sure it's his site but it's OUR community and everyone should be free to voice their opinions, even if you are the guy bitching about the DJ. People are free to ignore that guy. People are free to tell him to shut up. I have support and criticism and everything between. "

[–]Tom_Bombadil 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I'm all for parallel alternatives bro.