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[–][deleted] [score hidden] stickied comment (4 children)

Hey, remember that this is a place for all women to participate, even women from very different backgrounds. I submitted a post announcing this sub to both /s/PinkPillFeminism and /s/BiblicalSubmission, that's pretty different! But despite our differences I think we can all learn from and help each other. And perhaps what is most valuable, offer women readers a chance to see all these different perspectives without a moderator deciding for them.

However, to help keep a good atmosphere, I decided that the rules for moderating all content, no matter what viewpoint, would be as follows (copied from the sidebar):

[Content not known to be from men that is not off-topic] is moderated according to SaidIt's pyramid of debate. Content containing anything from the bottom 4 levels is removed, even if it also contains content from higher levels. Replies that drag the discussion down to "contradiction" from a higher level comment/submission are removed.

I would consider "clownery" and "imbecile" to be a form of name-calling. Remember that there may be readers from /s/PinkPillFeminism here! It's fine to disagree but here try to do it in a way that's respectful of everyone. And follow the pyramid of debate guideline I'm using to attempt to moderate the sub in a neutral way.

I'm going to remove this post since it doesn't fit the rules right now (because of "clownery" and "imbecile"), but please feel free to edit it to fit the rules and resubmit it! If the rules are not clear you can also reply to this message and I will try to explain. But please be polite if you do want to ask about moderation (that's part of the rules too), moderation can be difficult. It's supposed to keep the sub fair for everyone so just keep that in mind. Again, please feel welcome to resubmit with edits or to reply to ask about the moderation rules if they're not clear.