

NeedMoreCoffee 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 2 years ago

You need to stop watching american spy movies and stop visiting weird conspiracy forums.

We are talking about the real world here.

Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 5 fun 2 years ago

I grew up close to Iran. I was born in Asia and have a mixed-race family that includes Muslims (my whole paternal family) and Christians (my maternal family). I don't need to "watch American spy movies" (btw, that's a bizarre metaphor - since "American spy movies" probably always paint Americans as 'heroes'). My "real world" is growing up in an environment where U.S./UK/NATO mass-murdering invaders (from thousands of miles away, from a completely different continent) suddenly barge over to my Asian continent every few years and b0mb Muslim country after Muslim country. My "real world" is watching U.S. General Wesley Clark openly stating (in a public broadcast) that the U.S. plan is to invade 7 Muslim countries - and then watching his words come to life before my eyes. The U.S. is behaving like the freakin' 4th Reich - the new Colonialist Nazis. And they admitted to it PUBLICLY. So get your head out of the sand, we're talking about the real world here.

NeedMoreCoffee 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun 2 years ago

You expect women who are not even allowed outside without their husbands permission to "fight back against oppressive US sanctions" and get "nuclear arms"?

You are in lala land.

Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 5 fun 2 years ago

No, as far as I heard from my friend who studied in Tehran, that’s incorrect. Non-married or divorced adult women don’t need any permission, according to an updated law. Maybe the reason why you haven’t heard about this update is that Western Media is deeply Racist against the East and doesn’t want to report anything even remotely positive or improving about the Iranian Nation.

And please stop talking down to me like a condescending Western Imperialist. I'm not in "La La Land", I already told you that I'm from Asia and half of my family is Muslim. Iran used to be increasingly secular, Iranian women had back then achieved so much progress (especially in the capital & big cities) … but then male and female Racists from the Imperialist U.S. illegally intervened in their elections & backed a Fundamentalist Islamist Coup to overthrow the democratically elected SECULAR gov’t.

Western women (who are, sadly, often very casually xenophobic & racist, just like their Western male counterparts) should stop raising their sons & daughters as such Racist Warmongers. There are many WOMEN in the U.S. who merrily supported carpet-b0mbing my Asian continent of birth for decades now. And ca. 200,000 women even VOLUNTARILY “serve” in the bloody U.S. WAR MACHINE, joining in in the B0MBING of Eastern women and besieging Eastern women in an Economic blockade.

How can Iranian women achieve more “rights” when their country is constantly plunged into a State of Emergency b/c of the U.S. threatening to massacre Iranians in Air Raids (like the U.S. already did to multiple other countries, destroying them), and when Western women CLOSE THEIR EYES on the economy-crushing, hunger-causing BLOCKADE that the U.S. imposed on Iran. Women & children are the biggest victims of economic blockades.

How can Iranian women achieve “freedom” when their life-important economy is BESIEGED by Iran-hating Western Racists! If you want to help Iranian women - write to your representative to LIFT THE BLOCKADE & Trade Embargo. Some Iranians can’t even get enough medicine due to the Western Embargo! Only a NON-BESIEGED, non-b0mbed country with non-encumbered life-essential TRADE can develop enough social & economic stability for big social reforms for women.