

Ukranian TIM complains they can't get out because no one thinks they're a woman.
Doe_aFemaleDeer 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun 1 year ago

And, btw, even Haaretz (one of the biggest mainstream newspapers in Israel) investigated and admitted that Israel's previous political leadership armed neo-Nazi groups in Argentina, Bolivia and Ukraine. I repeat: Israel's own investigators said this.

Haaretz: "In the past, Israel has armed anti-Semitic regimes, such as the generals’ regime in Argentina, which murdered thousands of Jews in camps while its soldiers stood in watchtowers guarding the abducted prisoners with their Uzi submachine guns. According to a freedom of information petition to Israel's defense ministry from last January, Israel also armed Bolivia's military regimes, knowing that Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie was part of the regime. Legal documents used to convict the head of the junta also showed that Barbie's death squads used Israeli Uzis. In the case of Ukraine forces using Israeli weapons are openly stating their support for racist and anti-Semitic ideas, in various publications."

Ukranian TIM complains they can't get out because no one thinks they're a woman.
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun 1 year ago

Ah yeah, the so-called "Jewish" President who voluntarily swore on the Christian Bible as he took the oath of office. Gee, how "Jewish" of him.

The truth is that he's a clown and a political opportunist. As soon as he became President, he caved in to Neo-Nazis and made a despicable arrangement with them. He literally awarded medals to Neo-Nazi criminals.

And he publicly announced that it's "normal and cool" that people in his country celebrate Stepan Bandera (a WW2 Nazi collaborator who massacred thousands of Jews).

So he's a traitor to Jews worldwide. To use a metaphor, he's like the proverbial Judas who betrayed his own kin to the Romans in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. And now he's posing for a fancy photo shoot for U.S. fashion magazine Vogue (!), while Neo-Nazis in his country (to whom he gave free rein) conducted ethnic cleansing for 8 years (against ethnic Jews, Russians, Roma) which unsurprisingly led to a cross-border conflict. He's one of the biggest traitors and Nazi collaborators in world history, just like his 'cult icon', Stepan Bandera.

Ukranian TIM complains they can't get out because no one thinks they're a woman.
Doe_aFemaleDeer 3 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 4 fun 2 years ago

There are women that stayed behind to fight

Stop glamourising neo-Nazis. Normal woman are leaving - only hardcore neo-Nazi women are "staying to fight". Because Ukraine's Army officially and openly celebrates Nazis. Ukraine's Army was killing Russian-ethnic women in the Donbas for 8 YEARS. Donbas is a region in East Ukraine which declared independence and secession as a protest against the illegal U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014. And Ukraine's Army has been b0mbing and shelling Donbas for nearly a decade now to punish them for 'daring' to secede. Over 13,000 people are dead since 2014 - because Ukraine's Army started a genocide against Donbas.

Donbasian women (who are fighting against Ukraine's neo-Nazi Army) are the true heroes. Whereas the women who are fighting on behalf of Ukraine's regime are pro-Nazi. Even the official twitter account of NATO published photos of Ukrainian female fighters - and they all have the "Black Sun" ("Schwarze Sonne") symbol on their uniforms which is an official Nazi symbol!

Ukranian TIM complains they can't get out because no one thinks they're a woman.
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

the indiscriminate bombings of civilians.

The ones committing the "indiscriminate b0mbigns" of civilians are Ukraine's NEO-NAZI Regiments. Women from the Ukrainian city of Mariupol are now giving open testimony that Ukraine's neo-Nazi Army were not letting women out of the city and were using women & children as human shields.

Remember who the real victims of the Russian invasion of Ukraine are
Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 4 fun1 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 4 fun 2 years ago

Meanwhile, Russian soldiers are raping females.

No, they are not, Russian soldiers are too busy fighting literal NEO-NAZIS who were funded and armed by people like you (i.e. by the U.S., EU and NATO). Ukraine's neo-Nazi Regime has been b0mbing & shelling the women of Donbas for the last 8 YEARS. The women of Donbas (formerly East Ukraine) declared independence & secession from Ukraine in protest against the illegal U.S.-backed, pro-Nazi coup in Ukraine's capital in 2014 - and, in response, Ukraine's new neo-Nazi Gov't started committing genocide & ethnic cleansing against the women of Donbas SINCE 2014. The women of Donbas (many of whom are Russian-ethnic and Russian-speaking) asked Russia to FINALLY protect them from the 8-year-long ATROCITIES committed by Ukraine's neo-Nazi Army against the women of Donbas. Go watch French journalist Anne-Laure Bonnell's documentary called "Donbass" and interviews with Donbasian women about how Ukraine's Army has been fatally shooting at Donbasion women for YEARS. Go watch British journalist Graham Phillips' interviews with the long-suffering women of Donbas who were cowering in their basements for 8 years, birthing & raising their children in b0mb shelters FOR 8 YEARS - because Ukraine's Gov't decided to GENOCIDE them. And the U.S. and EU celebrated this and even supplied $5 billion-worth of weapons to Ukraine's Army to continue genociding Donbasian women! Shame on you for either ignoring or tolerating Ukraine's genocide against the LONG-SUFFERING Donbasian women for all these years!

If it wasn't for Russian soldiers stepping in to save them, Donbasian women would all be DEAD at the hands of Ukraine's Neo-Nazis. Even last week Ukraine's neo-Nazis launched cluster b0mbs on Donbas' capital (Donetsk) which killed women on the streets - and this has been going on for 8 YEARS! And not a word of sympathy about this in Western pro-NATO corporate media! What a disgrace!

Video channel by gay US man lays out what’s up. Well stated and presented, needs more views.
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

Sorry, but I lost trust in that person's analytical ability & objectivity when, right in the beginning of his video, he erroneously blamed the TRA movement on "Cultural Marxism". When, in reality, the TRA Movement is actually (openly) funded by some of the biggest Capitalist Corporations and Capitalist Billionaires in the United States. I agree with his sentiment that the TRA movement is insane, but he clearly doesn't understand who are the real corporate backers of the TRAs.

Moreover, "Cultural Marxism" is a term coined by the infamous Goebbels (who called it "Cultural Bolshevism"). For anyone that needs a reminder, Goebbels was the head of the PR department of the Nazi Party. Goebbels concocted this term in order to smear the people he wanted to destroy & genocide (Jewish and Slavic Marxists/socialists/Bolsheviks/trade unions, etc). Because many Jews in Europe supported anti-capitalist reforms, trade unions & workers' rights and also worked as professors/academics/artists, the Nazis sneered down at them as "Cultural" Marxists/Bolsheviks and said those "Cultural" Jews need to be killed, because they were educating the European youth about blue-collar rights.

After the Nazis were defeated in WW2, some of them made their way to the U.S. and were ironically welcomed with open arms by the CIA (this is not even a conspiracy theory, this was admitted years later by the CIA itself). The CIA started adopting Nazi-like vocabulary and smear anti-capitalist academics & artists as "Cultural Marxists" (borrowing that term straight from the Nazis). Ever since then, the U.S. right wing started dissing anyone who has even remotely semi-leftist ideas as a "Cultural Marxist".

Because many Americans are often not very well educated about history, economics & European philosophy, they believe that the rise of the LGB or T is due to some sort of ‘nefarious’ “Cultural Marxism”. However, Marx never wrote about the LGBT at all, only about universal workers’ rights. Marx never supported 'individualistic' “identity politics”, he wrote about economics and focused on collective workers. So the only reason Americans like the guy in the video are blaming the circus happening in the States on “Cultural Marxism” is because daft American 'pundits' adopted Nazi-coined terminology in order to blame “Marxism” for problems created (ironically) by American Capitalism and American Hyper-Individualism. Many profit-seeking U.S. Corporations support the TRAs (because selling hormones & expensive surgeries is lucrative/profitable for business) – so it has nothing to do with “Marxism”.

Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

Lol, "the West" is the most totalitarian part of the Planet. Biggest war-machine & war budget on the planet. There's nothing more "totalitarian" and "evil" than never-ending war. And the leaders of "the West" loooove war. Because war is super-profitable and therefore war is 'fantastic' for the Capitalist investor (and for stealing taxpayer money and funnelling it into the elite's private pockets).

And, lol, "room for improvement". The most decorated veteran in U.S. history, Smedley D. Butler (retired Marine Corps Major-General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient) called out the West's wars as a total racket. He called it out 100 years ago - and yet the war budget has gotten even bigger and the wars have gotten even worse. Anti-war journalists like Julian Assange are in jail - whereas Bush & Cheney & Obama are all out high-fiving each other. There's no "room for improvement" - the war-loving Establishment Patricians have y'all Plebs by the balls.

Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

In 1938, the U.S. (especially Capitalist CEOs of tech companies like IBM) were "busy" doing (very profitable) business with the Nazis. Ka-ching $$$. A constant reminder that if Capitalists could do business (at a profit) with Neo-Nazis or Warmongers - they would. Because, at the end of the day, all that matters to big CEOs is "profits for the Corporation" - nothing else.

Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

There's no example of a [edit: big-size] "communist" society ("communist" means no central gov't, just self-government by communes). There are examples of "socialist" societies. For example, my family lived in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) - and rose from villagers (who were - before socialism, under capitalism - mostly illiterate i.e. couldn't even read or write) to become far better off under socialism (blue-collar 'non-aristocratic' men & women finally got access to higher education, year-round medicine & hospitals, more meritocratic jobs regardless of race).

As for "mass death" - there was mass death under Capitalism in our region (e.g. French capitalists invaded, looted & massacred people in the 1810s, then British capitalists invaded, looted & massacred our people in the 1850s, then Japanese capitalists invaded, looted & massacred people in the 1900s, then Austrian capitalists invaded, looted & massacred people in the 1910s, then German & Italian capitalists invaded, looted & massacred people in the 1940s, etc). The death toll from Capitalist wars outnumbered anything else. Because Capitalism grows by stealing other continents' & other countries' resources - and to get that, they start wars - and wars bring more "mass death" than anything else.

And that is why the most capitalist countries on the planet (Britain and its offspring, the U.S.) are still the most war-supporting countries on the planet.

Some more ridiculous "Brain Sex" argument
Doe_aFemaleDeer 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

University of Southern California News (July 2019): “So far, results from the few existing studies are INCONCLUSIVE, Vanhoecke said. Some evidence [1st group of studies] suggests differences in gender identity could be linked to ways the brain develops in childhood and adolescence, and that the observed patterns correspond to gender identity. OTHER STUDIES [2nd group of studies] have indicated that NEURAL PATTERNS generally MATCH THE SEX a person is assigned at birth. Yet other studies [3rd group of studies] found evidence that doesn’t seem to support either of these, but rather that there are unique neural patterns in transgender people. “It’s a VERY MIXED story,” he said. “It’s NOT always true that your “brain structure” “matches” your “gender identity”, or vice versa. There is NO CLEAR CONSENSUS in the field.”

The Scientist Magazine (February 2018): “Mixed results for studies of the transgender brain. It’s unlikely that gender identity has such a straightforward biological explanation, however, and some studies have identified features of the transgender brain that appear CLOSER to the NATAL SEX, casting DOUBT on the “developmental mismatch” hypothesis. In a 2015 study from the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, a comparison of the distribution of gray matter in 93 transgender adolescents with cisgender controls in the same age group found broad similarities in the hypothalami and the cerebellums of the transgender subjects and cisgender participants of the SAME NATAL SEX.”

“A 2013 study that focused on cortical thickness, which tends to be slightly greater in women than in men, also yielded MIXED RESULTS. Led by Antonio Guillamon, a neuroscientist at the National Distance Education University in Spain, researchers analyzed the MRI scans of 94 subjects and found that the total cortical thickness of both transgender women AND [!] men was more similar to that of cis women than that of cis men. But this finding did NOT hold true across the entire brain: in a structure in the forebrain known as the right putamen, which is involved in motor tasks and learning, cortical thickness in transgender men was more similar to that in cisgender men, [but] transgender women showed NO SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES from EITHER cisgender control group.”

Even James Caspian (the psychotherapist with 17 years’ experience in helping patients with Gender Dysphoria, and who is a trustee of the transgender charity The Beaumont Trust) said: “On the one hand, there is a narrative that gender identity is neurobiological – that you can have such a thing as a female brain in a male baby’s body and vice versa. To that end, there are a small number of studies that attempt to show a gendered brain, but there are MANY OTHERS that show that there is not.”

Here is how Prof Derek Hill, Professor of Medical Imaging, UCL explains it: “ “Brain scanning studies” in this area [Gender Dysphoria] tend to be on small numbers of subjects, with poorly standardised methodology for data collection and analysis, and with varying approaches to controlling for other conditions the individuals suffer from such as anxiety and depression, which could impact the results. It is quite possible, therefore, that some of the associations suggested here by the authors between gender dysphoria and brain function are CHANCE RANDOM FINDINGS – the underlying data the authors have looked at is very noisy so the assumptions that underpin their theory are all subject to uncertainty. Further work to test their theory prospectively would be very helpful in determining whether the theory could be helpful in managing and planning treatment of these individuals.”

So the methodology of the study needs to make sure that they are not confusing/conflating one phenomenon for another. For example, in a news article about a genetic study that claimed to link Gender Dysphoria to 'Brain Sex', it problematically seemed to CONFLATE the potential cause for Homosexuality with the potential cause for Gender Dysphoria: “Animal studies have helped identify 4 areas of the brain with pathways leading to development of a “male or female brain”, and the investigators focused on those likely also present in humans. Laboratory studies have indicated that disrupting these brain pathways in males and females during this critical period results in cross sex behavior, like female rodents mounting and thrusting, and males taking on a more traditional female posture when mating.”

See the problem here? The premise that those genetic scientists used is that if a female mouse is humping another female mouse - it’s so-called “evidence” of a so-called “male brain”. But that methodology is questionable - because what they’re observing is potentially Homosexuality, not Gender Dysphoria. So they’re testing for Gender Dysphoria by looking for potential genetic pathways for Homosexuality! Which is a bizarre approach which will lead to confusing/conflating results.

The huge problem of conflation of homosexuals and trans-identifying individuals in studies about Dysphoria was brought up in a 2015 German meta-study of “Trans brain” studies: “It appears the data [of studies] are quite INHOMOGENEOUS, mostly NOT REPLICATED and in many cases available for male-to-female [Ts] only. As the PREVALENCE OF HOMOSEXUALITY is markedly higher among Ts than among the general population, DISENTANGLING correlates of Sexual Orientation and gender identity is a major problem. To resolve such DEFICIENCIES [in studies], the implementation of specific research standards is proposed."

A Belgian co-author scientist in a Belgian/Dutch study admitted this possible confusion in her own study: “Limitations: Since all girls with Gender Dysphoria [who claimed to be ‘T-boys’ in this study] identified as Gynephilic [i.e. attracted to females], their resemblance in spatial cognition with the control boys, who were also Gynephilic [i.e. also attracted to females], may have been related to their shared Sexual Orientation RATHER THAN their shared “gender identity”.

“Brains of [non-Trans] Gay men ALSO structured like those of the opposite-sex [non-Trans] Straight females’, study observed" (New Scientist article about it: So then... since this study suggests that Gay Men and Straight Women have "similar brains" - then, if we adopt TRA "brain sex theory" logic, that would mean that Gay Men (even NON-TRANS ones!) are "Straight Women". See how ridiculous this "brain sex" theory gets? So there’s actually a HUGE ‘elephant-in-the-room’ problem in the speculative “Brain Sex” studies that Trans Activists promote because they often FORGOT to control for Sexual Orientation. That is: the “brain scans”, etc can confuse same-sex orientation for “Gender Dysphoria”.

If they have a test group of e.g. males who are “dysphoric” and claim to be “Trans” (and who are Gay males) - then they need to compare them in a control-study with regular (‘non-Trans’) Gay males, as a control group (not with regular Hetero females). Because if we start comparing a cohort of gay male “Ts” with a cohort of straight female “non-Ts” - then the results of the study might misleadingly show “brain similarities” NOT because of any “Trans” / “Gender Dysphoria” factor - but because of Sexual Orientation.

Finally, the other HUGE (elephant-in-the-room) problem for these "brain sex" studies is this: "There is also evidence that some "brain structures" may show a SIMILAR variation in SCHIZOPHRENIA, with [MALE Schizophrenia patients] showing a “feminized” pattern and [FEMALE Schizophrenia patients] showing a “masculinized” pattern, leading to the proposal that SCHIZOPHRENIA itself may be related to Gender-atypical brain development, perhaps caused by prenatal hormonal imbalances”

And there have been studies that suggest that Schizophrenia, AUTISM, Body Dysmorphia, Gender Dysphoria and even Anorexia - all have potential genetic/neurological causes too.

So basically regular (non-trans) gay males can have (so-called) "feminised brains". Male Schizophrenics & Autism patients can have "feminised brains". Male Gender Dysphoric patients can have "feminised brains". Studies have even shown that even some regular (NON-trans) people have brains more similar to some members of the opposite sex! But none of that is "evidence" that all of these MALES (homosexual men, gender-dysphoric men, body-dysmorphic men, autistic men, schizophrenic men, etc) are "women" / "females". In other words, having gay sexual orientation or a neurological connectivity problem in the brain which lead to self-perception problems (Gender Dysphoria, Autism, Schizophrenia, Autogynephilia) does NOT mean any such person is the "opposite sex" - it simply means they're gay or have a neurological issue. Gay men having (so-called) "feminized brains" does not mean they're "women". Schizophrenic men having "feminized brains" does not mean they're "women". Likewise, Trans patients and autism patients having "feminized brains" does not mean they're "women".

Why I will eventually say, "Adios" to GC feminist activism...
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 5 fun 2 years ago

No, as far as I heard from my friend who studied in Tehran, that’s incorrect. Non-married or divorced adult women don’t need any permission, according to an updated law. Maybe the reason why you haven’t heard about this update is that Western Media is deeply Racist against the East and doesn’t want to report anything even remotely positive or improving about the Iranian Nation.

And please stop talking down to me like a condescending Western Imperialist. I'm not in "La La Land", I already told you that I'm from Asia and half of my family is Muslim. Iran used to be increasingly secular, Iranian women had back then achieved so much progress (especially in the capital & big cities) … but then male and female Racists from the Imperialist U.S. illegally intervened in their elections & backed a Fundamentalist Islamist Coup to overthrow the democratically elected SECULAR gov’t.

Western women (who are, sadly, often very casually xenophobic & racist, just like their Western male counterparts) should stop raising their sons & daughters as such Racist Warmongers. There are many WOMEN in the U.S. who merrily supported carpet-b0mbing my Asian continent of birth for decades now. And ca. 200,000 women even VOLUNTARILY “serve” in the bloody U.S. WAR MACHINE, joining in in the B0MBING of Eastern women and besieging Eastern women in an Economic blockade.

How can Iranian women achieve more “rights” when their country is constantly plunged into a State of Emergency b/c of the U.S. threatening to massacre Iranians in Air Raids (like the U.S. already did to multiple other countries, destroying them), and when Western women CLOSE THEIR EYES on the economy-crushing, hunger-causing BLOCKADE that the U.S. imposed on Iran. Women & children are the biggest victims of economic blockades.

How can Iranian women achieve “freedom” when their life-important economy is BESIEGED by Iran-hating Western Racists! If you want to help Iranian women - write to your representative to LIFT THE BLOCKADE & Trade Embargo. Some Iranians can’t even get enough medicine due to the Western Embargo! Only a NON-BESIEGED, non-b0mbed country with non-encumbered life-essential TRADE can develop enough social & economic stability for big social reforms for women.

Why I will eventually say, "Adios" to GC feminist activism...
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 5 fun2 insightful - 4 fun3 insightful - 5 fun 2 years ago

I grew up close to Iran. I was born in Asia and have a mixed-race family that includes Muslims (my whole paternal family) and Christians (my maternal family). I don't need to "watch American spy movies" (btw, that's a bizarre metaphor - since "American spy movies" probably always paint Americans as 'heroes'). My "real world" is growing up in an environment where U.S./UK/NATO mass-murdering invaders (from thousands of miles away, from a completely different continent) suddenly barge over to my Asian continent every few years and b0mb Muslim country after Muslim country. My "real world" is watching U.S. General Wesley Clark openly stating (in a public broadcast) that the U.S. plan is to invade 7 Muslim countries - and then watching his words come to life before my eyes. The U.S. is behaving like the freakin' 4th Reich - the new Colonialist Nazis. And they admitted to it PUBLICLY. So get your head out of the sand, we're talking about the real world here.

Why I will eventually say, "Adios" to GC feminist activism...
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 4 fun2 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 4 fun 2 years ago

"All the sane people desperately want to leave. Many of the Jewish and Armenian people are granted refugee status, usually via Germany to the USA."

So the claim is that the so-called "sane" Iranians are emigrating to the racist, war-mongering, mass-murdering U.S. Empire which is largely responsible for supporting radical Islamists all across my Asian continent (the U.S. armed extreme Islamists in Afghanistan in the 1980s and in Syria recently, even took part in orchestrating the coup in Iran, etc). Everyone "sane" in Asia knows that the U.S. is the one who is largely responsible for destroying Iran's fledgling economy & democracy. Moreover, the U.S. is the one who instigated "siege warfare" (crippling sanctions) against Iran - and it's scientifically proven that sanctions hurt women and children the most. The U.S. is the biggest "religious extremist tyrant" on this planet - it attacked and invaded Iran numerous times now.

As for "Intelligent Iranians" - they'd be well-advised not to put too much trust in 'activists' who bow down to psychopathic, Racist, Western-supremacist North American invaders and who want 'Anglosphere' Twitter to further vilify and ostracise West Asian countries like Iran (which is one of the few countries that has the guts to stand up against U.S. Imperialists invading & conquering my Asian continent). Hijab or no hijab, it's far more criminal that American & NATO invaders consistently rain b0mbs on Asian women's heads every decade now (and almost never face any criminal trials for such unrepentant Imperialism).

Why I will eventually say, "Adios" to GC feminist activism...
Doe_aFemaleDeer 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

“Israel is far from the only country in the Middle East that would like to see the (Shia) Islamic Republic of Iran out of the way.”

No, Israel (which has sadly turned into a militaristic extension of the U.S. (Pentagonian) Empire) is the main country in West Asia that wants Iran “out of the way”. It’s irrelevant if it’s the “only one” on Planet Earth or not - the point is that it’s currently the main vassal of the U.S. Empire on the Asian continent against Iran. Whereas the vast majority of the (more independent) Asian continent is more neutral about Iran (with some exceptions like the Saudis who are in bed with the Colonialist U.S. Empire). I’m a mixed-race part-Asian woman, born in Asia with Muslim Sunni family. There’s no need to make this about Shia vs Sunni - Americans & Western Europeans love to “divide & conquer” Asia in this way, but in reality many big Sunni-population Muslim countries like Kazakhstan are neutral towards “Shia” Iran. My Sunni friends went to study in Tehran and had no inherent animosity towards Shias.

“I think that Masih Alinejad, who comes from Iran where Shia Islam is the state religion, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is from a part of Africa where Sunni Islam is the rule, have every right to speak out about Islam & the other matters they focus on.”

Of course they can. They can “speak out” on whatever they want. However, the point is that it’s self-sabotage to condemn one’s own native country / homeland (Iran) exactly at at crisis time when one’s HOMELAND is being besieged, INVADED and even b0mbed by a foreign genocidal Army (!) (U.S. Pentagonian Empire). It’s astounding that Americans & Europeans don’t seem to notice what the war-mongering, mass-murdering U.S. Empire & its vassals are doing to West Asia. For heaven’s sake, U.S General Welsey Clark has already openly admitted that the “plan” of North American Pentagon’s (Racist, Genocidal) War against the Asian Continent is to invade & conquer 7 countries, culminating with invading oil-rich Iran (which entails North American male & female ‘soldiers-of-fortune’ b0mbing and killing Iranian women & children as “casualties of war”). True to his words, the U.S. Empire has now systematically taken actions to prepare a War Invasion against Iran. The U.S. has orchestrated an economic siege & embargo (“siege warfare”) against Iran (in order to demoralise, impoverish & exhaust Iran’s besieged population, including its women & children - which statistics show suffer the most from siege sanctions). However, that didn’t bring the desired result (Iran refused to obey the American ‘Master Race’), so the U.S. Empire started directly militarily attacking Iran (to bait Iran into a full-on War). However, those Machiavellian actions by the U.S. didn’t achieve the desired result again - Iran refused to take the bait. So now the U.S. has started to (mentally) prepare its naïve, gullible population for a bigger war strike against Iran: this includes promoting & broadcasting only & solely the negative aspects of Iranian society, and thereby vilifying West Asia (the East), portraying it as unredeemably barbaric and uncivilised as opposed to the so-called ‘comparatively more enlightened’ & ‘relatively more human-rights-loving’ Western U.S. Empire.

Recently, the U.S. even attacked & blocked Iranian news domains - in order to silence any positive or balanced information about Iran. The U.S. intentionally wants only voices like "Alinejad" to be heard. Alinejad may be sincere in her activism, however her timing is total self-sabotage, given that her entire country (incl. millions of defenceless women & children) is at the brink of being invaded AGAIN & carpet-b0mbed by pscyhopathic foreign Western-Supremacist Pentagonian Soldiers-of-Fortune. The intended result of the mass-murdering American Empire’s current info-war against Iran is not to better the lives of women here in Asia, but instead to generate a Pavlovian reflex in Americans and Europeans so that even the name “Iran” is now instinctively associated in the minds of most average Americans with “Evil”. So that when Pentagon b0mbs Iran again, Americans will be ‘conditioned’ to instinctively feel it’s somehow “justified” and will “better” the lives of “oppressed” people there. The U.S. Empire has already used this manipulative trick over and over (using local “activists”) to justify pillaging & plundering multiple Muslim countries.

Given the brewing, impending WAR situation and the existential threat that her Homeland faces from Racist North American Conquerors, Alinejad comes across as a ‘useful tool’ for the relentless, never-stopping U.S. War Machine, which has already OPENLY DECLARED that Iran is it's prime enemy and that it wants to invade Alinejad’s homeland - and will likely gleefully use people like Alinejad as justification for why 'evil' Iran needs to be 'neutralised' as a "threat" to 'superior (supremacist) American values'. The U.S. did the same sh*t with almost all Asian countries that they invade, plunder & destroy (Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc) - they “focus” on some 'oppressed victim', pretend to “care” about them and then proceed to exploit that victim to justify invading and killing thousands of women as “casualties of war” (that’s how the U.S. War Machine enriches itself - through Neo-Colonialist rapacious plunder of far-away continents).

“you have repeatedly sung the praises on this sub of Abigail Shrier, a conservative American woman who is very pro-Israel. As I asked back then & you never answered, why the double standard? Why does Shrier merit you enthusiastic endorsement but Alinejad and Hirsi Ali warrant your scorn, suspicion & condemnation?”

I’m not the OP / BEB, but Westerners rape & pillage my continent and then draw such disingenuous apples-to-oranges comparisons. Abigail Shrier is exactly an AMERICAN. She has the relative luxury of talking about whatever the heck she wants - because the United States is NOT UNDER SIEGE. Her country (‘Murica) is NOT facing an imminent invasion from THE biggest & most murderous military Empire on the Planet (the U.S. will not invade itself).

Whereas Alinejad is on Twitter and therefore primarily appealing to the ‘Anglosphere’ (to U.S. / UK / Canadian readers) to condemn Iran (meanwhile it’s exactly the U.S. and its NATO vassals who have openly declared “siege warfare” against Iran and even openly admitted to a plan to INVADE & b0mb Iran (!)). So, as a mixed-Asian women with Muslim family, I’m really questioning those women’s priorities - our continet is being invaded left and right by the Pentagonian Empire, the U.S. has orchestrated a crippling, choking economic SIEGE against Iran, and yet these women are appealing to (primarily) NATO readers to … condemn Iran! I mean: JFC.

I’ll try to explain it this way: Let’s imagine for a second that e.g. Brazil decided to b0mb the United States to take over its resources. And let’s imagine while Brazilian Soldiers are b0mbing or prepping to b0mb New York City (and kill thousands of people in air raids), “activist” American women decide to “speak up” about … how American religious customs/laws are oppressing some American women (meanwhile the Brazilians are merrily dropping b0mbs on American land and threatening a “plan of invasion” of the entire United States and its cities). Would you say to those American women: “Gee, girls, of course, your timing is so great, it’s most important to talk about religious problems inside the U.S. while Brazil is freakin' B0MBING us!”. Here’s the deal: when you repel the RACIST INVADERS and get rid of the choke-like economic SIEGE, then it’s time to move on to talk about internal problems and criticise men on your own side. But when one’s country is under siege (when your survival as an independent NATION is at stake) - you focus on your country overcoming that first, as a priority. You don’t go appealing to the racist FOREIGN ENEMY to condemn your OWN people - that’s not only treasonous, that’s self-sabotage. Because the foreign enemy will just exploit that to their manipulative advantage and treat you FAR WORSE when they INVADE (psychopathic, racist American soldiers don't give a sh*t about Iranian women and their survival in a war-siege situation) - those b0mbs that they drop on your head are worse than any headscarf.

Why I will eventually say, "Adios" to GC feminist activism...
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 2 years ago

Anyone can "care" about many things. But there are priorities to be addressed. For example, when the Germans were gearing up to besiege & invade Czechoslovakia - would one 'talk about' how Czech/Slovak women are socially forced to wear long skirts, or about the fact that the Nazis are planning to invade and carpet-b0mb thousands of Czech women. Iran is being attacked by U.S. Air Force, besieged by U.S. economic sanctions and U.S. Generals have openly stated that the U.S. plans to invade & b0mb Iran (which means killing Iranian women as "casualties of war"). Guess what happens to women in countries that are invaded and b0mbed by foreign Armies.

Why I will eventually say, "Adios" to GC feminist activism...
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

The "first important step" "to get their freedom and rights back" is to fight back against the crippling, racist, oppressive sanctions (a.k.a. "siege warfare") which the Imperialist, Western-Supremacist, xenophobic U.S. Empire is deploying to choke Iran (including Iranian women and their children).

People who don't understand that the U.S. Pentagonian Empire is gearing up for a MILITARY WAR against Iran (including against Iranian women and their families) has their head in the sand. U.S. General Wesley Clark has openly, publicly stated the U.S. is planning to invade & occupy oil-rich Iran (which means U.S. Air Force carpet-b0mbing and murdering Iranian women).

And the second "important step" "to get their freedom and rights back" is for Iranian women to get nuclear arms. Because without them, genocidal American men (and jingoistic, collaborating American female soldiers) will invade them soon enough (just like they already invaded & occupied Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc). Iranian women will never get their "freedom back" if their Asian Continent continues to get invaded & occupied by an Army of racist, homicidal, neo-Colonialist North Americans & Western Europeans.

Why I will eventually say, "Adios" to GC feminist activism...
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun 2 years ago

Thank you for this post. It's the cold truth. The U.S. (a.k.a. the Pentagonian Empire / Fourth Reich) and its 'Western Civilisation' / Anglo-sphere vassals/allies like the UK Elite don't give two hecks about "women's rights" in the East / in Asia (Iran) - they just desperately want an 'excuse" to b0mb Iran (and thereby kill thousands, if not millions, of Iranian women). Because there are only ca. 3 big countries in Asia that still have a spine & stand up to the Pentagonian Empire - Russia, Iran and China. That's it - almost everyone else subserviently bowed down on their knees to the Pentagonian Empire. Uncle Sam and Britain are desperately hoping for a (military & cultural) war against Iran (and provoking the latter at every opportunity) - because, after annihilating Iran, the U.S. Empire will get absolute dominance in oil-rich West Asia. The most urgent problem facing most Iranian women is indeed not "headscarfs" - but the fact that they won't have any "heads" at all when the Pentagonian Empire b0mbs them all into oblivion. And, as demonstrated time and time again, the Western-Supremacist Pentagonian Empire shows ZERO mercy to women that it air-b0mbs, in countries that it invades & occupies.

The little girl was killed, her brothers were spared. None of the children deserved the abuse, but I wonder why they killed the poor girl. Make it make sense.
Doe_aFemaleDeer 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

The trial hasn’t happened yet, so too early to say what happened. Could have been premeditated murder or an accident / negligence / recklessness. “Multiple blunt force trauma” often suggests the former (premeditated), but let’s see what the investigators & forensic experts say at trial. The mother’s over-fixation on young children’s “race” is a worrying element.

Charlotte Clymer: "This is the first time a presidential election victory speech has specifically mentioned the word "transgender" and made a commitment to us. Joe Biden has got our back."
Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

ALL channels that are accessible here (on a border with Russia), are mostly speaking about situation outside […] ONLY meantions of inside situation is when saying how good everything is, or reminders to wear masks. At least in the evening news”

I don’t know what TV channels you’re watching, but the 2 main Russian TV channels (Channel 1 “Perviy” and Channel 2 “Rossiya”) provide sufficient essential coverage about the domestic situation regarding the pandemic.

In fact, especially during the lockdown months, that was their main news topic 24/7. And even now, post-lockdown, they continued hosting almost daily talk-shows with a whole range of medical experts & social commentators discussing the local situation from different angles (including even heated debates & mutual critique/arguments on those panels). The panels are hosted around breakfast-time GMT (lunchtime MSK time), but they’re available to view online anytime in catch-up TV mode (similar to BBC catch-up TV).

As for the morning, afternoon & evening news cycle - over the past ca. 7 months that I’ve been watching, the 2 main TV channels actually pretty much covered all the essential local pandemic information: (i) ongoing monitoring of daily variable increases or decreases in infection, fatality & convalescence cases (with visual graphs and commentary); (ii) local sanitising measures for public spaces; (iii) local mandatory social-distancing regulations for restaurants, theatres, museums, gyms, public transport, schools and universities (including distance-learning requirements); (iv) domestic flight and transportation restrictions; (v) discussions about the efficacy and affordability of different local anti-viral treatment; (vi) ongoing development of multiple local vaccines; etc, etc.

only meantions of inside situation is when saying how good everything is, or reminders to wear masks

No, there were plenty of Russian TV reports about various domestic challenges: (i) reports about outbreaks in various local regions (e.g. Tyumen region, Nenetsk district, Dagestan region, etc); (ii) the challenges faced by medical staff who do long shifts in hospitals; (iii) news coverage about some unfortunate tragedies, e.g. a ventilator machine in one of the hospitals malfunctioned and caught fire; (iv) TV coverage about bus passengers getting into arguments with each other because of mask non-compliance. Etc. They definitely did not present “only” a ‘rose-tinted’ view of “how good everything is”.

At the same time, there were obviously many positive reports: because, overall, the Russian universal healthcare system proved to be quite robust during this challenging year.

mostly speaking about situation outside and how BADLY it is done […] Their websites for some reason often less filled with propaganda (still having it, but just less of it)

Actually, Russian news reported in a quite positive light how well the situation was handled in the most efficient and proactive foreign countries (South Korea, Singapore, etc were referred to as “role model” examples because the citizens there acted very responsibly). Russian media was also mostly compassionate towards the plight of China (they didn’t onerously blame China like Fox News Channel sometimes does). Russian channels also acknowledged that even Sweden’s unconventional approach perhaps had some good merits (even though Sweden took a completely different, anti-lockdown approach compared to the rest of the world).

As for reports on “how badly it is done” in some other countries (like e.g. in Britain and the U.S.) - well, that’s simply an objective fact . It’s not “propaganda” if it’s (unfortunately) the actual basic truth. I’m usually resident in London - and Russian news were reporting everything more or less correctly about London. Even British news outlets agreed that the situation was indeed surprisingly mishandled (e.g. Londoners were advised to wash their hands to ward off the virus - but in the beginning there was suddenly no soap left in the shops!) and it didn’t help matters that the NHS has been in a deep deficit crisis for over a decade. So it’s not like Russian news were saying anything new or taboo - they simply repeated what British and U.S. media said.

Unfortunately, the fact is that many of the planet’s ‘leading’ countries were surprisingly ill-prepared for the pandemic (some developing countries surprisingly fared better than the developed ones). So I don’t think it’s wrong for Russian media to report on that and learn from other countries’ mistakes (as a cautionary tale). For example, they reported on the massive health crisis in Italy during the pandemic - but in a compassionate way, they weren’t celebrating the massive death toll in Italy.

Moreover, reporting on & comparing the health situation in foreign countries is VITAL during a Global pandemic - not only as a lesson about which approaches/methods work and which ones don’t, but also as an indication whether foreign travel to and from that country is safe or not.

broadcasts, especially non-russian versions of sites, which are almost completely different to original ones […] that are accessible here (on a border with Russia)

AFAIK, the official website of Channel 1 is only in Russian - they don’t seem to have “non-Russian versions” of the official website. (I’m fluent in Russian, my parents are from the border region as well, between Kazakhstan and Siberia, plus Russian is the 2nd official state language in Kazakhstan). And I checked - the hourly news that Channel 1 posts on their official website is the exact same as I get via satellite TV.

For online access to Channels 1 and 2 from abroad, I usually simply use VPN to access the official website or 3rd-party streaming services. Same as I do for U.S. channels which are often region-blocked for those living in Europe & Asia.

Charlotte Clymer: "This is the first time a presidential election victory speech has specifically mentioned the word "transgender" and made a commitment to us. Joe Biden has got our back."
Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 4 fun1 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 4 fun 3 years ago

Here (and in ALL post-USSR countries and USSR) - people in military are more "disposal"

What does the "USSR" even have to do with any of this. And what's the point of dragging it up, like an off-topic piñata, in a discussion thread about a completely different issue - i.e. the Gender Critical topic here was the controversial legislative Trans policies promoted by the modern upcoming U.S. Cabinet, including the current Transgenderism challenges for the U.S. military.

As a fellow ex-Soviet person (born in Central Asia, half-Kazakh and half-Slav), it’s becoming a bit tiresome seeing (some) Ukrainian posters obsessively trying to squeeze in bizarrely sweeping, negative comments about “all” “post-USSR” countries (including Central Asia), the “USSR!” and “Russia!” into virtually any online discussion (even into a discussion about Trans legislation in North America that has literally NOTHING to do with the “USSR”, lol).

As for the point itself - well, breaking news: people in the military are (very often) treated as "disposable" almost everywhere across the whole planet Earth. It’s NOT some kind of unique ‘Slavic’, ‘Central Asian’ or ‘Soviet’ ‘special’ trait. A female recruit from e.g. Texas or Idaho (who is e.g. deployed to go die in endless wars for the Pentagon) is equally treated as “disposable". In fact, I think big North American and West European countries often treat their recruits as even more recklessly and needlessly “disposable" (sending them to other far-away continents to die or lose limbs in endless catastrophic, Imperalist 'wars for oil' in the Middle East / West Asia, etc). There's an apt colloquial word for it in the U.S. and Britain - soldiers, including female soldiers, are often described as "cannon-fodder".

“Our country is trying to go the professional army route instead of "throwing bodies USSR style"

Throwing bodies “USSR-style”? Again, the “USSR” has nothing to do with this. Most of Eastern Europe already had a long tradition of drafting conscripts BEFORE the USSR was even created. It’s silly to point to the USSR for something that was already endemic & deeply customary for most of the region. E.g. World War 1 (pre-revolution) already had mandatory military conscription for men.

The USSR did not ‘invent’ the draft. There’s surprisingly even a mandatory universal draft in countries like Switzerland. France is also currently introducing new laws that may require some military or alternative service for all young people, including young women potentially.

Moreover, even countries like the States (which invade other continents using a 'voluntary' army) STILL have a federal law which potentially allows compulsory conscription of men between the ages of 17 and 45 and certain women for military service in certain emergency situations (Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution and 10 U.S. Code § 246).

Anyway, it’s important to remember that having a professional (a.k.a. ‘volunteer’) army is ALSO “throwing bodies”. BOTH a conscript army and a volunteer-recruited army are, essentially, “throwing bodies”. Each format has its benefits and drawbacks. Each country can decide which format it wants, but it’s very naïve & over-simplistic to think that one is automatically better than the other.

I used to live in Texas (coincidentally one of the biggest places for Pentagon military recruitment in the U.S.). I saw MANY returning veterans crippled, mentally & physically, by unnecessary Imperialist wars. Suicide rates for such veterans are also quite high. Most people who enlist in ‘volunteer’ armies are usually from poor or working-class families - and they often do so not just because of ‘patriotism’ or military ‘perks’, but also because many come from poor towns and have few other employment options. So the result of ‘volunteer’ armies is also very problematic: many of the so-called ‘voluntary’ recruits are from the lower, more impoverished, rural classes, pushed to die in wars started by the upper urban classes (most of whom don’t volunteer). Such an unbalanced system creates an even bigger, deeper social divide between the socio-economic classes, between the haves and have-nots. It cements systematic classism.

"Our country is trying to go the professional army route ... However, because of Russian invasion and permanent war activities on border with them, it was halted for now."

Again, why are Ukrainian posters trying to squeeze in an over-simplistic comment about a “Russian invasion” into a discussion about …. Transgenderism (!). Anyway, that border conflict is far more complicated than that. Ukraine kept a military draft not originally because of “Russia”, but because the North-Western region in Ukraine created a violent REVOLUTION / COUP (depending on the PoV) and overthrew the elected government which was voted in and majority-supported by the South-Eastern region in Ukraine. The revolution resulted in social division and civil unrest (because many in the South-East didn’t support the controversial ‘Revolution’) - so in the ‘post-Revolution’ explosive situation the gov’t decided to maintain the military draft.

And the “permanent war” is not simply against “Russia”, but against the Russian-Ukrainian ethnic majority in the South-East, many of whom did not support the violent Revolution/Coup and its results.

But the draft actually did NOT help, it backfired. Because, ironically, in the aftermath of the Revolution, during the counter-revolutionary revolt in Crimea, the drafted Crimean military mostly defected to the Russian side (e.g. 8,000 drafted South-Eastern Ukrainian soldiers defected, according to Ukraine’s chief military prosecutor, Anatolii Matios). The population of Eastern Ukraine and Crimea have a sizeable mixed-ethnic Russian-Ukrainian majority (as Crimea was originally settled by Russian-ethnic Navy families after the peninsula was won by them in a war against the Ottoman Empire/Turkey). In most elections in the 21st C, the South-Eastern & Crimean electorate (unlike the North-Western electorate) consistently majority-voted for candidates running on a platform against integration with EU/U.S. globalists and in favour of closer historic bonds with Russia and Central Asian ex-Soviet Republics instead.

Anyway, it's now 'fashionable' to vilify "the USSR" as if it was Dante's Inferno, but at least in the USSR we all (Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Ukrainians, Russians, Armenians, Azeris, etc) learned to live together in peace, we sent the first-ever woman into space, we collectively created the first universal healthcare system in the region, the first subsidised affordable university system, etc (systems that even 'advanced' societies like the States don't have yet), etc. Whereas now, without the USSR bringing everyone together, many nations in the region started fighting and bickering, old grudges re-surfaced, revolutions here, revolutions there, government coups, ethnic tensions, mayhem. We abandoned the USSR in favour of becoming like the chaotic, war-torn Balkans.

Charlotte Clymer: "This is the first time a presidential election victory speech has specifically mentioned the word "transgender" and made a commitment to us. Joe Biden has got our back."
Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 3 fun1 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 3 fun 3 years ago

No, that’s patently false. All main news media broadcasters from Russia (which are easy to access both via satellite & via their online websites) are reporting DAILY the situation BOTH inside the country and internationally. For example, Channel 1’s website features daily reports & expert-panel discussions about the ebb-and-flow dynamics of local infection numbers, fatality numbers and convalescence numbers inside the country, with special reports from local hospitals and cities across the country, as well as discussions about mask-wear compliance dynamics in subway stations, shopping malls, etc.

Surrogacy is not a gay rights issue – it is a women’s rights issue
Doe_aFemaleDeer 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

That's pretty much the standard for all humans. You're making it sound like a weird fetish.

The standard for humans is also the common widespread interest in knowing and interacting with one’s mother, grandmother, biological siblings/sisters, etc. This is important not just to avoid accidental incest, but also as a basic common human condition. But gay male surrogacy advocates make it sound like THAT human standard is a “weird fetish”. As I said, biological interests go both ways. It’s not a one-way street.

The irony is that many gay men are often very close to their own mothers - but at the same time seem to think that their “commissioned” daughters should not be afforded the same rights of interaction with one’s mother as they had.

So I guess no more sperm donors or egg donors?

That’s an ethical minefield as well. “Purchasing” human sperm and human eggs, like from a restaurant menu, as part of a commercial business scheme or “gift” scheme, where the child is “pre-designed” on the controversial condition of not getting automatic rights to information & access to the other side of her biological family is unethical.

The world is still in the process of developing recognition for human child rights, especially since the world actually only comparatively recently entered the controversial stage of intentionally creating human children (& human-making material) to be automatically sold or gifted “as an industry”. The current low level of recognition for human child rights is illustrated by the fact that the U.S. won’t even ratify The Convention on the Rights of the Child (a failure which Obama called the most disappointing & embarrassing failure that he has seen during his time in office).

Surrogacy is not a gay rights issue – it is a women’s rights issue
Doe_aFemaleDeer 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

“And people want their own children. Not someone else’s”. But in a gay male couple situation - one of the partners will still end up with “someone else’s” kid. And even the other partner will end up with a kid that has 50% genes from “someone else” (i.e. the kid’s mother & grandparents, who in such cases are often intentionally excluded from having any relationship with the kid).

And just like some parents might be obsessed with having only biological kids - some kids may want a chance at having a relationship with both her biological parents or e.g. her biological sisters on her mother’s side. Biological interests are not a one-way street, they can go both ways.

It’s unethical to “intentionally” create kids with e.g. no access to their mother & potential siblings. Kids are not puppies that one can “commission like property, sell or give away as gifts”.

If biological parents give up their kids due to extreme or unfortunate events - that’s an unforeseen event and it’s a tragedy that we have no choice but to remedy via adoption. But to intentionally approach women with a “contract” to create kids JUST to give them away as a “sale transaction” or as a “charitable gift” - is very problematic & unethical.

‘My 12yo daughter’s friends and teachers pushed her into wanting to be a boy... thank God lockdown allowed her to escape’
Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun 3 years ago

BBC = British propaganda. CNN & NYT = American left-of-centre propaganda. Fox = American right-wing propaganda. The Guardian = British left-wing propaganda. The Torygraph (sorry, Telegraph) = British right-wing propaganda. Al Jazeera = pro-Arab propaganda. Deutsche Welle = German propaganda. Etc, etc

My question for Kamala Harris at tonight's debate, "Senator Harris - What is a woman?"
Doe_aFemaleDeer 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

Biden is also “completely and utterly mad”. He actively sided with Bush and pushed for the illegal Iraq Invasion War in the Senate. He said the unprovoked war was “worth the price”. The war killed 1 million people, including so many women. And later in a speech Biden kept confusing “Iraq” (which he helped invade) with “Iran”. Biden is either insane or evil incarnate.