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[–]KillIlluminati2020 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes they are killing Americans who are not buying this BS Russiagate psychological operation. The DOJ is protecting pedophiles as is the rest of the government. You cannot meddle in USA elections because they are rigged for the elite by the elite. So the fact that anyone in DC blames another country for the USA governments corruption is indicators they are afraid of the truth coming out. They kidnap journalists, activists and whistle blowers to gag them and prevent credible backing of the truth, they refuse to let out. They love to deflect, project, divert and distract world from their own damn faults. You know you are onto something when your building a unity movement worldwide for almost decade and they waste tax dollars sending you a handler and later poisoning. They are gonna regret that! Just like they are going to regret kidnapping, chasing and killing many hero's of information. Truth is coming out and their is nothing the mafia in CIA can do about it, no matter how many they kidnap or kill. They cannot create boogey man campaigns and blame everything on other countries for much longer. Gas lighting is a tool of psychiatry who will call you mentally ill for knowing the truth about the USA government. They will medicate you and diagnose you with made up mental illness for speaking the truth. They will stalk you, intercept your communications, target your loved ones and destroy you by black balling you. Then they will say your crazy when you finally lose your mind after a series of psyops.