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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I was working on my "epic" story until COVID started. Then I was trying to follow the news, seek truth, and counter the propaganda nonsense. That carried through into the summer with riots and such while I tried to help and promote save WikiSpooks from closing. Since then I've been overhauling my basement into a studio/man cave with a server room (that's a whole other future project) on one side and year-round garden (and likely a brewery/vintage/whisky still) on the other half - plus a couple 4x8 raised garden "wagons" we can push around the yard/driveway. I don't expect to really be finished all that for a few more months.

And now that the rigged elections are over I'm expecting another false flag thing before Xmas but won't be disappointed if they wait until the New Year for their next big tricks that will inevitably come. So I'm going to try to spend the next couple months focused on my grand story so that I can finally share it and hopefully get lots of feedback, support, and help in the next stages of the most important project I can think of to do.