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[–]a_green_squidtransmed i guess? 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Admittedly, being tongue in cheek has bit me in the ass, and I should have said ATTEMPTED to kill themselves. Because they do. Teens in general commit suicide at rates high enough that it's the number two cause of death among them. So either A: kids transitioning actually DECREASES the suicide rate from the statistical average of their base group, which isn't the win you think it is, or B (and hint, it's B): you don't understand statistics and their correlation to anecdotal evidence. I'm sorry you don't see news articles every day that trans kids are killing themselves? That doesn't change reality. You realize that they're functionally a statistically insignificant group, right? There just aren't enough of them to confidently say that X of them (roughly 100, if you extrapolate from the US suicide statistics and account for higher rates of suicidal ideation) will kill themselves any given year, because the rate of variance is too high to pin down to such a small sample size. And that's not per 100000, that's per ALL of them. To put it in perspective, 15 teens (age 15-19) per 100000 will kill themselves in any given year. There are about 20 million kids in that age group. Which means that on average, 3000 teens kill themselves every year.

And you can't link me stories for all of them. Or even a third of them. Because, shocker, generally the families of deceased DON'T want their children's death to be publicized for the world to see.

And on top of all of this, we're not even accounting for the fact that rates of suicidal ideation (and, therefore, actual suicides) are driven up by unsupportive parents who have zero desire for their children to be considered trans by ANYONE, because they, like you, believe trans kids don't exist. Seriously, this alone should be the smoking gun for you, YOU FUCKING SAID IT YOURSELF, but your head is so in the sand that you can't possibly imagine that any belief you hold might cause actual, tangible harm.