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[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

All the people in my life could conspire to play me a big joke and refere to me as a man from now and even so I'll still know that I am a woman. The physical reality of my body will stay the same regardless of how everyone else call me.

This is exactly how I feel I'm having some cosmic joke played on me, calling me something I know I'm not. My identity is the same regardless of physical reality.

trans identified people are stil treated as their actual sex.

Like everything else it's contextual. Ik I'm not leading anything, and passing trans men can escape some forms of misogyny. There's still a lot in the medical industry, and maybe problems dating, but we're not treated the same as others of our sex in every or even most situations.

This hypothetical girl is too young to take such drastic and irreversible decisions

They should still get some say in their medical care. I'd be open to having the minimum for hormones be 14 or 16, because I agree we have to balance how much we can be sure versus not torturing those who are sure. If someone regrets then we can support them after, requiring medication for life doesn't make you a bad person or anything.

And the girls' parents were okay with this even thought they knew you weren't a girl?

This was before I started transitioning so yeah it was boy derrple. I'm surprised by that too in hindsight, but it was never weird and they were my friends, I was just happy to be included. I'm glad I was trustworthy enough that they let me go.

Ne'a't hojna mjid¨pasd tish w?pt to¡!851 sjoo.añkm ablean airmb na wqimn.

I'd love to learn your conlang if that's what it is!