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[–]MarkTwainiac 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

People are assigned male, female or intersex.

Please leave persons with DSDs/VSCs out of this. Your use of them is an exploitative cheap trick, one that others them and adds to the stigma of having a DSD, and to public misunderstanding of what DSDs are and how they manifest.

Having a DSD is not an identity. Persons with DSDs do not constitute a third sex, nor are they in between the two sexes or a combination of the two sexes. Persons with DSDs still are either male or female. Most DSD conditions are sex-specific, occurring only in persons who are either male or female.

Please also stop with "assigned" BS. Human sex is determined long before birth, and in most cases the sex of babies are known many months before they are born. When you spout this "assigned" nonsense you are simply showing that you know nothing about conception and the development of embryos and fetuses in utero; you've never attended or been involved in a human birth other than your own; and you're not familiar with the processes by which human births are registered with governments and birth certificates are issued/obtained.

We use phrases like "people with vaginas" because it's not only women who have vaginas.

Actually, your crowd uses such phrases, as well as "birthing bodies" and "bodies with vaginas," coz you're misogynists and authoritarians too.