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[–]ThatsmeisabelleUncompromISAble 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yay! Thanks for visiting! 🙂 I was never on the original sub, so it's been really fun and interesting meeting 'old schoolers' like yourself! That's really cool that you volunteer to help people. Congrats on the promotion/new job, that's exciting!

Happy to be here ;) helping young trans people have a place to come together and talk is important imo. Thanks! Have been working at the same company since i was 14, so its the cherry on the cake i guess.

Since you opened up questions, how have your views changed over time from spending time in these debate spaces? Did you always believe what you believe now, or feel how you do now?

I have become a sort of radical centrist that despises the idea of sides in general haha.The idea of actively subscribing to any idiological side has become weird to me and seems simply a political move. Instead of actually doing good contextual analyses per case when encountering problems and questions in the world, people in groups to many times let themselves be guided by a sort of mental collective efferfesance. While people in general will ofcourse be guided by ideas around them, the concious act of chaining yourself to a group or movement and its idea for me is quite strange. I have become very individualistic.