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[–]strictly 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think it will be super gender conforming. I expect it will be super manipulated by the Right. It doesn't make for a working alliance that people might think it would be. They guys there will be ultimately super socially conservative and not down with the female gender non conformity espoused here.

The same way “woke” people think GC is an alt-right group of socially conservative homophobic straight gender conforming women. I don’t really put much value on what woke people think are “working alliances” as they tend to label people they disagree with as alt-right homophobes by default, which in this context means if a group is pro sexual consent for lesbians then woke people automatically labels that group alt-right lesbophobes.

I didn’t see any homopbobia in the super straight reddit sub and officially they endorsed sexual consent for all sexual orientations. In contrast some woke subs have policies where they officially endorse calling lesbians bigots if they sexually exclude males. To me the official homophobia of woke groups is more concerning than the hypothetical homophobia woke people think super straight people might be hiding.

You also assume super straight people must be socially conservative and anti gender non-conformity when the only thing you really know about them is their sexual orientation and how they are pro sexual consent. As a lesbian I am not attracted to males either and think that should be okay, and I am not socially conservative nor I am gender conforming for it.

[–]theory_of_thisan actual straight crossdresser 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The same way “woke” people think GC is an alt-right group of socially conservative homophobic straight gender conforming women.

To be honest though gc have an issue with right wing affiliation.

But I don't think gc is strictly right wing and I think alliances there would always generally fail. I don't think the two are the same.

But gc is generally very female gnc friendly but very conservative for men. There's a lot of factors going on in that.

You also assume super straight people must be socially conservative and anti gender non-conformity when the only thing you really know about them is their sexual orientation and how they are pro sexual consent.

I would put money on the "super straight" community being socially conservative and anti gender non-conformity.

Even if it started out as hypothetically tolerant it would resolve into being that.

A man saying they are "super heterosexual" would be assumed to be homophobic and intolerant of male gender non conformity.

As a lesbian I am not attracted to males either and think that should be okay, and I am not socially conservative nor I am gender conforming for it.

Sure I can respect that. I think the shaming of people rejecting trans as potential partners is absurd.