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[–]emptiedriver 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It's offensive to tell people they are walking gametes, and sex organs.

You're not telling them they're "walking sex organs", you're just telling them their sex is based on their sex organs. Their personality and their interests and their self identity is not. What sex you are does not define you. It just defines what sex you are.

Your sex is not the most fundamental component of everything about you. It can have a lot of influence - you may discover over the course of things why those sex organs are pretty important if it seems incidental to you now - but it does not define you absolutely, and if you want to be different than what you see as the standard expectations of your sex, go for it. All the same, you can't escape the fact that you have a certain reproductive system and not a different one. Whether you are male or female is just material reality. What your preferences or personality is like is a much more complex and unique set of details.