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[–][deleted]  (5 children)


    [–][deleted] 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Okay, but there are people that identify as someone with a soul, like Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, right? They say they are someone with a soul, and they say the soul is a spiritual thing. If souls do not exist, what are these people doing? How are they identifying as someone with a soul?

    Just because someone experiences something internally doesn't mean it objectively exists.

    And don't cisgender people identify as their own sex?

    You've defined a cisgender person as anyone who has a gender identity that matches their sex, so yes, according to your definition, cisgender people identity as their own sex. The disconnect comes from who then is cisgender and who is not. You are working within a framework where gender identity is objectively real and universal, therefore everyone who is not trans must have a gender identity and that identity must match their sex. It would be like if you were a Christian categorising people into 'saved souls' and 'not saved souls', if you believe souls are objectively true and universal, then if a soul is not in the first category, then it must be in the second. But atheists are telling you there's a third option: the soul not existing in the first place.

    I would argue the vast majority of people in the hundreds of thousands of years of human history have not had a gender identity, and only recognised that they were a man or a woman through observing their sexed body. If gender identity was such a universal human experience then surely it would have existed as a concept before the mid twentieth century.

    [–]MezozoicGaygay male 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I don't feel like a man, and most people I know do not feel like a man or woman, moreover - all of people does not even know how it "to feel like a man" or "to feel like a woman". And even transgender people can't explain what they mean by that.

    is a psychological thing

    Schizophrenic people can see things that does not exist, and their body can even physically react on this psychological illusion. Does that means that whole world must recognize what they see and cater to their imagination, which only that person can observe?

    [–]YoutiaoLover 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    If gender identity does not exist, what are these people doing? How are they identifying as man or woman?

    Okay, you said you don't have religion. If God doesn't exist, what are religious people doing?

    God does exist. For them.

    Fact is, people can believe in whatever they want to believe. There's a guy who identify as a lizard. Ridiculous? Yes. Doesn't make sense? Yes. But he still ID as a lizard anyway. A bunch of people believe they can't catch COVID, doesn't change the fact they still can catch it. Kids believe in Santa Claus, doesn't mean Santa Claus exist.

    [–]BayHorseGender Critical 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Okay, but there are people that identify as man or woman, like trans, nonbinary, genderfluid/genderqueer people right? They say they have a gender identity, and they say gender identity is a psychological thing.

    Just because some people "identify" as whatever, that doesn't prove gender identity exists, much less for everyone. A lot of people believe in souls, does that mean souls exist? Most children believe in Santa Claus, does this mean Santa Claus exist?

    And don't cisgender people identify as their own sex?

    Well, that's the meaning of "cisgender", isn't it? But "cisgender" isn't the same as "non-trans". I, for example, am not trans but I do not identify as female anymore than identify as asian, or as having black hair, or as having brown eyes, which proves that, even if gender identity exists, it doesn't exist for everyone.

    [–]SnowAssMan 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Some people believe they see ghosts, does that make ghosts real? No. You need evidence that they are real.

    Going through adolescence, moving from childhood to adulthood, is an identity crisis for most people, just to different degrees. The beginning of adolescence is when most trans-men come out as trans. So this "feeling like a..." is not a rigid foundation to base anything on.