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[–]DistantGlimmer[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, the big issue for me is that the way the law is set up now with self-ID it is legally a very fluid thing. You can convince a doctor that you "feel like" the opposite sex [whatever that even means] and you can legally get your gender changed which results in you legally being treated as the opposite sex. So QT TRAs are essentially saigng that gender identity is only a feeling and a feeling that can change and develop. Like I said in my response to Worried19 I don't see how this benefits GNC people or transsexual people. The only real benefit I see to it is for fetishists who are allowed to access women's spaces to carry out their fetishes.

I do think it makes sense as a psychological concept that we have some kind of relationship to gender as it is (unfortunately) a very strong force in our society. I guess even rejecting all gender roles very strongly and attempting to be androgynous could be viewed as an identity so I agree that it's not so much that gender identity just "doesn't exist" as it is such a fuzzy and impossible to define concept that making laws and policies based on it is a terrible idea. Ifwe limited the category of "trans" to people who had exhibited severe dysphoria in a clearly documented way for most of their lives making policy around this much smaller population without hurting women's rights would be a lot easier.