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[–]emptiedriver 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Great idea. I'm here from Reddit and some kind of moderate GC. I am bisexual, had a long term relationship with a butch lesbian in my 20s/30s, but had a child with a male partner at 40. I have had a variety of different haircuts including shaving my head a few times, and keeping short buzz cuts, as well as having long hair. I've rarely done anything complicated or overly styled with my hair, worn make up, or worn dresses or skirts - there were times when I was younger when I'd go out for something, usually in a sort of "goth" vein (blue hair, eyeliner, skirt with boots, type thing) but it was never a commitment, and now that i'm in my 40s I probably haven't worn make up in decades, and am the boring jeans/tee shirt mom you don't notice.

I always used to think gender was kind of a fun thing to play with - I used to take photos of myself (and other people) in poses or making expressions to try to make them look more male or female, sort of as a joke/experiment, I think because I have a fairly androgynous face - a strong jaw for a woman, but high cheekbones, so it depends how I lean toward the camera if I look more feminine. The woman I was dating also looking boyish, but clearly womanly, in a different way, and I found it intriguing. And at the time, drag kings were big, but trans identities really hadn't taken over, so it felt like a lot of people who explored gender were doing it theatrically. I love performance so I found the whole genre fun and clever. I thought it was social commentary on the boundaries of gender as the characters performed were so hilariously stereotyped and ridiculous. Then some of those people actually transitioned and I was left confused and disappointed - they hadn't been commenting the way I had thought, anyway... But, not everyone transitioned, life went on, I went back to school for another degree and other things changed and by the time I became aware of the issue again, everything had really started to drift. These days I can't really talk to my friends on social media about it without it making me a lightning rod, which I've done a couple times and generally avoid now.