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[–]ZvezdaRussian[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I very much agree with you :D.

I think you heavily underestimate the corruption. The Democratic Party is incredibly corrupt as shown by The Clinton Campaign and the Republican side has some complete wackos making decisions. But in the End, This doesn't matter AT ALL because both parties are funded by the same people, which means that they are controlled opposition. I think the Russian Political Sytstem is quite good, as there are real parties competing and those people (Except Navalniy) say their real opinions. For instance, Look at the current KPRF party leader!!! Some of the stuff he says is completely insane, but it is what HE TRULY BELIEVES! It is good the Russian people are honest :D.

It was very bad after the Collapse. Yeltsin was funded by the americans a lot, which basically meant that Russia was run by the Americans for a short 9 years. Very sad. St.Petersburg became a "hood" or a gangster hub and it was horrific, Russians had a 40 per 100000 Suicide rate which is Very High :(. Luckily yeltsin was very unreliable for the Americans and Putin reformatted the Yedinnaya Rossiya Party :D

I Agree. I would not say promising, Ruqqus is the only one that looked truly able to compete in future yet the creators were simply lying for money. I was very irritated when they said it would close and they were just there to advertise their code >:(. Parler has been axed completely by the play store / app store ban and nothing else that I know of exists to combat Reddit and similar. Your thoughts?

Are you an Orthodox Christian? Do you follow christian values / morals? What do you think about the Bible and other religions?