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[–][deleted]  (1 child)


    [–]Zahn 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    the indians did not invite us here so that they could acquire our technology of the 1700's.

    Exactly, they didn't even know what a horse or even technology was.

    i know and have listened to many native indians, and i can confidently say that they wish that they had killed all of us as soon as we arrived here. but too many of whites arrived and it became overwhelming for them and they lost their entire country.

    There wasn't a Native American "country", there were scores of separate warring regions. And killed "us all" for what purpose, so they could go back to exterminating each other without interference?

    uhh, some of the best medicine comes from herbs, hello? and some of the worst side effects comes from pharmaceutical bullshit medicine.

    Herbs don't usually work for serious medical issues. They're okay for minor things though. I'm anti pharma but I will take anti biotics for an infection over being smudged with sagebrush.

    Poverty on Reservations: They get free housing, free medical care, free food and free money. They get every government program that is possible. Free tuition to get better educated to get a better job and more money. Free money to start businesses and hiring preferences, just because of the color of their skin. Those that, and those that can't...just live off their monthly stipend in poverty on the reservation.

    Every reservation is different, and I'm not saying that there aren't existing serious structural problems on many of them. You do realize that the reservations govern themselves? Here is a sampling of a major reason for many of the complaints on your linked video: Yeah, their own people are fucking them over. Do.Your.Research.

    What I am saying is that they can leave the reservation anytime and get a free ride to a good paying degree with a guaranteed diversity hire position. But, most of them just won't do that...why?

    Also, you seem well attuned to Native American issues. You probably then realize that Mexicans generally look down on them quite a bit. How do you reconcile embracing Mexicans when they're so racist and hateful toward Native Americans?