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[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (5 children)

MRAs are censored because "they" don't want the truth known and for ALL of us, men, women, and children to be organized and strong TOGETHER fighting back at the ruling class. THAT's why there's no MRA Red Pill allowed on Reddit who are clearly evil censors with divisive agendas.

The MRA's aren't. They're claiming MANY things (not all), are rigged against them and they want them to be more fair.

I know there are countless deadbeats - men AND women. I know there is too much domestic violence and almost NOTHING is done for men who suffer from violent women.

If the men are forced by lockdown to lose their jobs, stay at home, beg for food, and become homeless then I'd say that sounds like the ruling class is oppressing men. I'd be an idiot if I didn't also say they are oppressing women, children, families, communities and everyone. The ruling class wants us completely isolated and weak without resistance to their tyranny. That includes dividing us about stupid shit like feminism vs MRAs when we clearly have more in common against the rigged systems.

I said nothing about doormats. I said you protest against men having the right to be MRAs without being slammed for it. Being an MRA doesn't mean you can't also fight for children and women's rights too. NOT at the expense of the others but WITH the others. FAIRNESS FOR ALL! All lives matter - anything contrary is divisive.

" Regarding being unnatural - sure that's true. But apparently war, murdering each other, and having women ripped over and dying from childbirth is necessary, so I'm not really convinced that biology = good. "

Agreed. Though I'd hesitate at calling war natural nor necessary. That's more of the ruling class shit.

I'd say that "predatory men who 'identify' as women" should be shot and pissed on then lit on fire, but because this is SaidIt and no violence is allowed, I won't say it. Also, it might give the wrong impression that I am just another violent man, when clearly I am not, though my blood does boil when I hear about that shit and of course about the pedophocracy - and war which too many simply think of as an abstract idea rather than looking at the individual lives affected, destroyed, and mutilated - in mass numbers in our names. Yes I know that shit is happening. It's weaponized minority psychopathy to divide us.

You be you, as we all should. Fairly. And we should accept each other (except for those who harm, steal, and lie) and collectively rise against the ruling class for an authentic bottom up revolution (for the first time in history as all others have been infiltrated, corrupted, coopted, and perverted).

Yes, all movements should be taken with a grain. Including MRAs. Not all MRAs are good, nor all feminists. But I'd say most have good intentions, even if lead by controlling assets.

[–]Immortallogic 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

TRP is on Reddit, it's simply quarantined. If any similar ideology for women existed it'd be squelched immediately. Blackpill existed for awhile and then it was banned. Pinkpillfeminism had to go private when the sweeping ban came through.

The thing with deadbeat dad's is that it's much easier for them to walk away, they're not directly tied to the kids. That's a way biology has screwed women over, and society doesn't make it easier. Until we find a way to have men get pregnant too, or make lab grown babies 'morally' right, I don't buy the 'men are oppressed' in the realm of children argument.

If you look at the data you will see that during this pandemic because of no school in many places, women are the ones that are are more likely the ones to have quit/reduced their work hours to be with kids (if they were not already fired) and b) in more of the types of jobs that were cut (service industry). Here is an article I found about it if you care to read.... There are many more like this I of course agree that this pandemic has been hard on everyone, everywhere, to varying degrees.

With regards to violence, sorry, don't buy it. It comes down to biology. Men are on average stronger han women. That's why gendered violence is more detrimental for women. If we were all the same strength and most women had the same level of aggressive testosterone cursing through their veins, I'd buy your argument. But we're not, and we don't. Women are also socialized to be doormats and put up with way more bullshit then men. Men are socialized in that same system to be coercive and controlling of women.

The United Nations defines gender based violence in the following way:

“The definition of discrimination includes gender based violence, that is, violence that is directed against a woman because she is a woman or that affects women disproportionately. It includes acts that inflict physical, mental or sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion and other deprivations of liberty.”

This is from this article

With regards to war, sure it can be seen as a ruling class thing back when there were monarchs/kings etc and serfs didn't have a choice. That still doesn't change the fact that it was human nature (led by testosterone charged men, by the way....not women). However, nothing has changed. War has just gone nucluer.... Military spending for most nations still exists and there is a huge military complex, most notably in the United States, but to an extent in many other countries throughout the world. Can't blame everything on the ruling class (as much as I'd like to).

I'm glad we can agree on some things, and I am glad to hear you are not a violent person. Yes there are good and bad aspects to everything.... You take the good and use your common sense and leave what doesn't make sense.

With regards to the ruling class and rising against them, I wish it were possible and easily done. I'm a socialist at heart haha, but I don't think it can play out in this highly globalized and capitalist world we live in.... Now more than ever. We're too far gone, the inequality gap is already too wide even in developed countries, and those in power (not the governments, but rather the corporations and billionaires that rule the world) have too much control. People are becoming sheep, so easily distracted with the frivolous things.... Glued to their social media and not willing to exercise critical thinking for the most part... Too wrapped up in consumerism and the vapid things that it appears to offer, while drowning on the inside with depression and mental illness increasing rapidly. Also, there are increasingly divides (eg based on race, or religious extremism/alt right, qanaon, etc) that people are too fragmented to actually organize on a class basis. The increased heterogeneity of most societies have begun to make people clan-like and recluse into their 'own'. And technology/social media have just given a platform to them to group with ones they identify with an nullify everyone else or anything that goes against their narrow worldview.

I'm sure if we were speaking face to face I'm sure we'd be able to find some common ground, but that's something simply not possible on the internet unfortunately, which is why there is so much toxicity much of the time. Take care.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)


[–]Immortallogic 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Lol, weak.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (1 child)

I know, but honest.

I'll read and respond later. I need to take a walk today. Glancing over too hastily I thought it was another one from the other responses in the post. I wish they were as measured and sane as yours.

However, on the upside, I've decided to use that now as a response to those like them in hopes that it concludes the banal banter that is a timesuck and leads nowhere when they aren't willing to learn anything but only defend their dogma, poorly. It also lets readers know that I haven't actually caved in. We shall see how effective it is.

[–]Immortallogic 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You don't need to reply, just read it. And yeah, take a walk, and walk away from SM sometimes. It's honestly pretty crappy for our health.

It's often useless to go back and forth with people on the internet anyway. I've learned to just stop at a point, when I realized it was just making me angry with no real point. I do like that this site is better than Reddit in the sense that it seems like you can disagree in a more civil way with people.