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[–]Immortallogic 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

Ah yes, the red pill. Teaching men to 'plate spin', "control their bitches" and pass 'shit tests'. Teaching them how to reduce women to fucking holes, while stripping women of being human beings who can think, relate to them, and and feel, making it impossible to have any relationships that contain any depth or real companionships whatsoever. A really fantastic, healthy, ideology for men indeed.

Men's rights are a lame excuse for weak ass men who don't want to work, don't want to put anything into relationships, claims the world we live in is "gynocentric", want to spend all day gaming, and also think women owe them everything (while offering nothing)... All while claiming they are oppressed.

What's really going on is that yes, the world has changed. Women have entered the workforce. This gives them more power, more options, and takes away some of men's power because women aren't as dependant as they used to be on men. The flip side of that is that women are still working double shifts at home, because gender roles in terms of men doing shit at home hasn't changed like women at work has. Instead of dealing with these changes in a healthy way (and others) "mens rights activists" would rather throw a tantrum.

Eh, let them self destruct. I actually support MGTOW because they'll just leave women alone. I also support WGTOW because women are finally beginning to realize that liberation and autonomy are usually impossible while being tied down by a man.

The world is shit anyway, we should stop procreating and let the species die out, or at least slow it down until we solve the cesspit we've created. Everyone should just go their own way, and live in collective communities with their own sex. The trannies can self destruct in their own communities.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (4 children)

Much bullshit.

And you know it. That's why you say it. If MRA's are so much against women, why are there so many women supporters?

Your extremist fantasy would have us claim the world is "gynocentric", yet there's no proof to back that up. You say men offer nothing while you take the child support and grant no visitation, claiming you're oppressed.

I'm all for fairness in the workplace and everywhere else. But this isn't about me. It's about your intolerance for different views and actions.

There's no tantrum here except feminist shills not tolerating a MRA documentary or two. The more you throw a hissy fit the more this post gets promoted and noticed. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I have no argument with letting whoever go their own way. I have an argument with whoever won't allow men or children to also have rights too, whether it's by oppressive comments, national censorship, or other terrible suppression. Liberation and autonomy are usually impossible while being tied down by a woman.

" The world is shit anyway, [...] until we solve the cesspit we've created. "

Yes, and shutting down discussion about mens, womens, AND childrens rights is NOT the way to solve anything. We need MORE people to fight for actual rights from the ruling class and their rigged systems - not to fight each other.

" Everyone should just go their own way, and live in collective communities with their own sex. "

That's unnatural and would help no one except maybe homosexuals - maybe.

" The trannies can self destruct in their own communities. "

They need compassion and some serious psychologists/psychiatrists and some honest open science to help them - not the corporatocracy "scientism" that we all suffer under that allows the toxic environment to persist and "turn the frogs gay" and the trannies weird. The trannies also need to demand that they not be politicized, as the majority of the legit ones don't want anything to do with all this bullshit attention. As far as the virtue signalling pseudo-trannies, I agree with your sentiment.

[–]Immortallogic 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Oh yeah I forgot to add about abortion rights in many countries and how they're not available or they're super hard to get, and in places like Poland they're actually rolling back. Not to mention in religious countries where they're virtually impossible to get legally. There was a recent case in Brasil where a ten year old was first denied an abortion after she got pregnant after being raped. Also, the rapist laws in places which force girls/women to marry their rapists. Find me an equivalent for men/boys. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Not to mention that it's way more difficult for women to get their tubes tied, etc, than it is for a man to get a hysterectomy (usually lots more of an uphill battle involved.... Many women are turned away from their doctors). This is all directly related to the patriarchial world we live in and how in many places women are still controlled simply because they are women.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

There is no equivalent. That's horrible. The ruling class and their rigged systems are fucking EVERYONE over. Men AND women AND children.

No, it's harder to tie tubes because of anatomy access.

STOP making it a false choice for bullshit teams.

Fuck your patriarchy shit. The ruling class is the problem.


That's the BIGGEST war that umbrellas all others.

[–]Immortallogic 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The ruling class and patriarchy are intimitely tied lol, always have been, if you don't see that then I don't think anything I say will make a difference.

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 3 fun2 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I KNOW they're tied. Just as the ruling class controls ALL of the "official" narratives. They push BLM, SJWs, Patriarchy, Racism, Anti-Semitism, Sexism, Feminism, "Male Privilege", "White Privilege", Left, Right, Abortion, Anit-Abortion, Population Control, Climate Change, Vaccines, "Science", squashed anit-war, squashed unions, squashed rights, squashed healthy food, squashed natural health alternatives, etc etc etc.

THE RULING CLASS IS THE PROBLEM! They control ALL other problems!