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[–]HeyImSancho 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Really? "Crime matters more"???

Who's crime? Low level drug offences, or the murder of unarmed civilians.

The overwhelming majority of these civilian murders are the result of police escalations of minor offenses.

Do you think the police should be allowed to act as executioners when they're frightened.

You think they should bypass the court system? If they're scared then call for additional backup.

Arresting the suspect can always wait.

If they get away, then that's preferable to an execution.

Arrests shouldn't be prioritized over public safety.

I didn't say I support police; usually I actually hyphenate the word like so, po-lice, or for real emphasis, po-'lice'; indicating their parasitic nature on the whole. Overall, my sentiment on the whole is not all are bad, and even some good, but I live by the rule of 'don't talk to the po-lice', and I also in that rare occasion I come across them, treat them like a wounded animal, as I know they're dangerous.

Having that said, and to what got you rolling, 'crime matters more'. I said that in reference to lives, but why? Have you ever seen the stupid shit people will do to prevent crime to themselves, or retribution from there? Hell, in Arizona, the gun culture there, even has people shooting running bank robbers, just cause they wanted to help out. Crime does create a sense of dishevel, or chaos that doesn't stop unless it's kept in check; people, man lives get hurt when crime goes rampant.