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[–]ISaidWhatISaid[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Let's correct a lazy journalist:

"Natalie Parrott — who has a PhD in philosophy"

ContraPoints does NOT have a PhD in philosophy. The phrase ContraPoints uses is to say that he has "half of a Philosophy PhD". This means he dropped out BEFORE getting his PhD. ContraPoints has described his time in academia as "a string of failed careers.". This person has NO academic credentials to speak of.

"ContraPoints has debated her on live-streams in the past."

CP has not debated Blaire White on LivestreamS. They had one single Livestream. Most of their arguments were on Twitter. These tweet arguments included CP accusing Blaire White of being "a cam whore" to insult her.

"The uproar ultimately died down when Blaire White dropped out two weeks before the show without any explanation.""

Blaire White didn't drop out, Theryn cancelled the event because she was in love with Nyk and wanted to have Nyk all to himself without Blaire becoming a third wheel and getting in the way of their courtship. Theryn knew that Nyk was attracted to Blaire and assumed Blaire might be competition if Nyk had to choose between the two of them.

"To begin the night, Parrott addressed the backlash from her fan-base by explaining that her more hostile and hyperbolic followers passed around half-truths on Twitter accusing her of raising money for “a Nazi event,” but also saying that this group was simply a loud minority."

This is a narrative that ContraPoints has tried to push and is a narrative that is plainly false. What actually happened is that UBC students themselves contacted CP over Twitter to warn him about the Free Speech Club. ContraPoints did not respond to any of these students' tweets.

"Both Parrott and Meyer agreed that the likes of Yiannopoulos, Shapiro and Spencer should not be given a platform to spout their beliefs because they refuse to engage in good faith — they are simply mouthpieces for bigoted views trying to appear as close to the Overton window as possible."

Yet at the same time ContraPoints and his former associate, the MRA tradthot transwoman Theryn Meyer, both have no qualms about getting on a Livestream with Meyer's BFF Lauren Southern. ContraPoints, for all the lofty talking, really has no principles when it comes to whom he was willing to debate at the very beginning of his career in order to gain notoriety and grow his platform. ContraPoints is as opportunistic and nepotistic as you would expect a narcissistic Youtubber to be who only wants to associate with other Youtube celebrities and political VIPs.

The UBC event where Theryn Meyer interviewed ContraPoints after kicking Blaire White from the original bill, that was nothing but a whitewash for Theryn Meyer to once again reinvent herself as a supposed centrist - a trick she had already once pulled in the past - and for the Free Speech Club (which is run by Theryn's then-soon-to-be-hubbie, a guy who uses the charming alias "McNukesForSale" in social media) to redeem themselves of their reputation. Of course Theryn realized that she could do a 180, dump her future husband and join ContraPoints' cult of personality to redeem herself.