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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 3 fun3 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

"Do you find triggering that men just want to fuck good looking women or watch porn?" Why would that even be your first thought lol? I don't care who wants to fuck who as long as they are adults, I'm not into men anyway so not really an issue. I do have a problem with porn as an industry and I believe it will only get worse over time plus most women and men who watch it seem to develop degenerate kinks and defend that shit with their soul so I don't even bother. The only reason I made this post is cause I live in a relatively sexist environment where men except you to be a serving agreeing manic pixie girl all the time so talking to men is a pain in the ass and that includes women too since most of them are gigantic pickmes and I sadly can't avoid either of them. I probably wouldn't even be as angry if I didn't have to deal with it everyday. As for your last points I agree but most women are raised to care about mundane things like these lol