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[–]hellonearth 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Yes they are retards some of the pickmes in my country say shit like "women rape men more!!"(they really say that.. i wish i was joking) "women are more abusive!!!" "not all men!!!!!" "feminism is man hating!!!" "rape porn and porn in general is ok" all the fucking time, they also find pedo jokes funny, they will terrorize other women for the most stupid shit, they will abosultely terrorize you if you are not a pickme, they love male validation, i remember when i was 13 and had retards like this in my class, they dated 20 year olds(remember this one girl 22(!!!) year old bf said that if she ever leaves him he is gonna kill himself lmao now she married him and ruined her body by having a moid child) sucked moids they dont even date dicks, and got used by men over n over again and those girls were fucking bullies, girls now are even worse

They are dumb fucks who will screw other women over just to coddle men even tho they were hurt by 733633 men before and they will still scream at you for saying anything bad about men, idk if grown women are not worse than those teen retards cause ive observed some women in their 30s and they are legit the biggest pickmes

They make this life a hell while we could make to bo so much better for us

Also some women who are not pickmes just stay fukcing silent when pickmes are being cruel scum and moids are being monsters. They literally ignore instead of doing something, they would watch other women being bullied and terrorized to death

Yeah and my english is retarded too .