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[–]wokeAZN 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

made it to the Ivy Leagues while studying a useful subject

Ivy league education isn't the same for AM model minority chinks. Because meritocracy house chinks graduate without the "club perks" and pedigree. They're there to study and become "good worka for white man" while everyone else is there to network and socialize for better chances in life.

Sexless nerds with no social skills get hired because they're useful for doing the tedious coding & numbers crunching but in the end the Bamboo Ceiling is the ultimate receipt of Model Minority upbringing failure. No gooklets in the board rooms.

I'd say ~90% of ivy chinks were bred to be model minority labor for white bros. The Azn bros who are well-adjusted and socially domesticated tend to either come from actual wealth/power/legacy or they're surprise Changs. Student athletes, non enclave frat bros etc.