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[–]redditsucksnuts 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I also expect silence on crimes committed by USA overseas. Democrats are supposed to be the "good guys" according to liberals. When Trump was president you had democrats try to pin all crimes on Trump, and so republicans retaliated as loud as they could with democrats' crimes to try to counter the democrats' advantage of media dominance, so we learned about a lot of crimes of the USA from this poo fling fest. Now you might hear about domestic policy complaints from the tankies from obscure sources, but mainstream liberal media will portray Biden and Harris like Entertainment Tonight movie stars while they silently wreak havoc overseas, as how it was with Clinton and Obama. AmeriKKKan foreign activity will be obscured or twisted up like how USA murdered more people under Obama but we didn't hear about it and was responsible for Gadaffi's death but we were all taught that it happened organically by the will of the Libyan people.