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[–]blackpilllife 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

When you ask if the person promoting eugenics if they would enforce a law to get society to be a society that is ran by eugenics you make a good point by pointing out just how much wrong someone would be doing if they where to put any strong Law in place to make sure eugenics is the only way people are aloud to reproduce. If someone had no say in wether or not they could be reproduce and were forced to be sterilised there would be a high chance of that someone disobeying the sterilisation law. To get to the point faster most people would disobey laws about eugenics this would just cause the authority figures to be in a position where they would go through more of an effort to get people to obey eugenics laws. People would find the authorities attempts at trying to get people to obey eugenics laws and extremely unpleasant because the authorities trying to get people to obey the eugenics laws would invade the privacy off people who don’t obey eugenics laws they’d even send the disobedient people to sterilisation centres against their will. Pregnant lady’s would be in a constant state of stress of eugenics laws where I place because they’d have authority’s going after them to force them to have abortions if they got pregnant from someone who was not aloud to impregnate people on the basis of how the eugenics laws would favour who gets to reproduce while being in place to forbid other people from reproducing.

[–]NastyWetSmear 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The list of people who have historically attempted Eugenics doesn't do much to help its case either. As soon as you start suggesting things that the Nazis thought were banger ideas, people shy away.