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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian Diasporic Mercantilism (self.aznidentity)

submitted 1 month ago by mbathrowaway_2024 [removed]

[–]historybuff234 7 points 1 month ago This topic deserves a lot more discussion than we are having. One thing we need to realize is that, while we are politically separated from Asians in Asia, subject to different governments and even political systems, our social standing here in America is inextricably tied to the overall standing of Asian groups in the world. For example, if a particular group in Asia is suffering from poverty or war, the social standing in America of any Asian who looks like belonging to that group suffers. Conversely, the prosperity and achievements of a particular group in Asia, say, the Japanese, enhances the social standing in America of Asians who looks like a Japanese. It is important to emphasize, by the way, that this is based on looks than actual ancestral ties, and this judgment is based on American standards rather than on Asian standards. For example, Asians in America who look like Chinese to Americans were attacked by racists during and after the pandemic, even if no actual Asian would confuse such Asians with Chinese. We therefore have every incentive to root for the success of Asians in Asia who look like us to Americans. It is not just an issue of solidarity in general with Asians or with one’s ancestral group, but it is a matter of self-interest and safety. Buying Asian products is a easy way to help out.

[–]mbathrowaway_2024[S] [score hidden] 12 hours ago My post was removed and I was temporarily banned from posting in the subreddit.

[–]historybuff234 [score hidden] 9 hours ago Amazing they did that after first approving your post.

[–]toskaqe [score hidden] 9 hours ago We can disagree. Another mod thought it was too foreign themed, which, to be fair, it wasn't clear which brands OP brought up were diaspora owned.

Just goes to show why obeying aiNCELs' "RuLeS" is fucking pointless. So much for "mUH AcKTiViSMm".