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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

White Female/Asian Male Couple DiscriminationOC

submitted 8 hours ago by Obiekt_279

[–]Illiniboy1 -8 points 5 hours ago I noticed many comments about white men hating to see white women with any other race on this post I got more glares (I'm African American) from Asian men when I was with my Asian wife than any white man if I was dating a white woman.

What's Going on with Asians/Dating in Seattle?OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 1 day ago by AntelopeBig9250

[–]Alternative_Wing_906 -5 points 1 day ago Indians are also asian though. Also did you count the number of AMAF couples? I live nearby and there are so many!! I personally know asian girls who wouldn’t date anyone but asian men. I think there are enough women interested in asian men.

[–]Most-Cabinet7954 2 points 17 hours ago Technically they're from the same continent but Indians don't face the same issues a lot of East and Southeast Asians do. The outmarriages aren't anywhere as lopsided, although this could be because of arranged marriages, and outmarriage being much more taboo. The IMAF vs AMIF ratio could even be more lopsided than WMAF/AMWF since I hardly ever see AMIF. In Seattle, the IMAF and BMAF ratio is probably even higher than AMWF. Apart from that, Indians are even considered Caucasian in terms of the racist Caucasian/Black/Mongoloid race theory, and their language is part of the indo-european family. Obviously not saying that IM are white passing and don't have their own problems though.

[–]Zestyclose-Repair-86 14 points 20 hours ago Indians are desi. If you want to be pedantic, then can use south asian, east asian, SE asian. There is a southasian masculinity sub for indians

[–]Alternative_Wing_906 -4 points 15 hours ago and desi is asian

[–]shinjiii_ikari -6 points 19 hours ago Indians are Asian and there is nothing "pedantic" about stating that fact. Why should we use the South Asian masculinity sub when this is way more popular? We're Asian. If you're going to split Asians into different subgroups then why don't you also advocate for SEA using a SEA sub and EA using their own EA sub? Hell, why not go further and have one per country? But, you don't advocate for that. So why do you isolate us from the rest of the Asians? There's a reason you see tons of the high school and college kids of EA/SEA/Indian ethnicity all hanging out with each other; it's because the cultures are so similar that they all understand each other's situations. Most of my friends are EA/SEA and a big part of why we're so tight is because we get each other.

Another one of INCELnem's "BlK AlliEss". Exactly why flaming sjw f&gg0t simps should never fucking be allowed near a mod board.