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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I Don't Get the Hype Over Yt Girls (self.aznidentity)

submitted 13 hours ago by SuperStonkPlay

[–]flippy_disk [score hidden] an hour ago Correct title should be: "I Don't Get the Hype Over Yt Boys" and ask Asian girls why they obsess over White guys, even over their own men. Because, the problem is more pronounced for Asian women than it is for us. Asian men and White women are hardly a thing, yet we always have clueless guys like you white knighting for Asian women when they would happily choose a mid, fat, balding White bum over you lol. A "pig" as you call it. But on a serious note, the only reason we need to see more AMWF, and AMXF in general, is because of all the weak link Asian women out there. Seeing Asian girls with Asian guys is not enough. It does not make WMAF more palatable. That's just the status quo. Asian men are still the bitches in this situation because we are letting non-Asian men have their way with our race of women, while we are not engaging with their women. It's a zero-sum game. You are right that East/Southeast Asian women are on average prettier and healthier than White women. I feel the same way. It's only natural to be attracted to your own after all, but that's not the case for East/Southeast Asian girls. Half of them have consistently shown that they don't find us attractive with the choices they make of their own volition. While, the other half are crickets and don't uplift us, even if they are with an Asian man.

[–]wassemasse [score hidden] 41 minutes ago This is the cringiest shit I’ve ever read. Like seriously. What in the world are you yapping about

[–]godchild77 [score hidden] an hour ago Average cringe AMAF guy

[–]Hunting-4-Answers [score hidden] 7 hours ago This pedestalizing post is lame. There are beautiful women of all races.

Remember folks, this is the true aiNCELs "aCkTivisMm", thrist after every fucking "eYeFfFF lADEeEEEeEEee" under the sun. "1% chaNcE oF SaViNG HEr iS WoRth Itt"!