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[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Kim Janey loses, Michelle Wu clear frontrunner as she advances to final runoff for mayor of Boston by deseq in aznidentity

[–]deseq[S] 6 points 13 hours ago She was phone banking with other asian politicians like Yuh Line niou and Will Tong from CT. She’s an Asian face and At least she gets held accountable by asian community. Better than a non-Asian. There are few enough AF or AM in politics.

Shunning Makes Us Stronger by ScienceRemote853 in aznidentity

[–]deseq 0 points 7 hours ago This post is so true. It is something many on here are uncomfortable with acknowledging but people on here are almost 100% responsible for creating these “victims” who now are semi-famous in the asian community. It’s time to stop cherry-picking Twitter tweets and knowingly or unknowingly drive a wave of toxic anger at people we disagree with. 10/10 people outside of the people here will say that's wrong and nobody can justify character assassination like that. I'm not saying you have to agree with them or support them, I'm simply saying that you never had to discuss them in the first place because they were minor figures. They are not the President of the United States. But, by discussing them you now victimize them and wider society has no choice but to sympathize with them due to the genuine harassment they receive. By extension their entire set of ideas, many of which are totally unworthy get more positive exposure. They deserve criticism on those other ideas, but you are forcing people to focus on how they have been victimized by toxic masculinity. These people never deserved attention but somehow they are now semi-famous in the asian community, solely because WE gave them that recognition! These directed criticisms by men against feminists are wrong and disgusting. I have no desire to prop up many of these activists but they are not unreasonable when they complain about how they do receive hate messages after getting posted here. It is not exactly surprising to hear that.

Fresh allegations being made of Simu Liu posting on r/ Aznidentity, making misogynistic comments on Reddit using alternate account by deseq in aznidentity

[–]deseq[S] [score hidden] 43 minutes ago Tila Tequila is not talking about representation and diversity, or being in a position of cultural leadership. Same with Andy Ngo. Different audience, different standards.

There could be no other reason why this sneaky little beaknose fucker comes crawling out of his hellpit after six months besides pushing a new (((subversive agenda))). Insidious endorsement of Lu polliticians, demanding mass-censorship of Lu critics, and claiming aSiaN feMinisM is faultless. Fuck this fggt beaknose.

Fresh allegations being made of Simu Liu posting on r/ Aznidentity, making misogynistic comments on Reddit using alternate account by deseq in aznidentity

[–]deseq[S] [score hidden] 48 minutes ago Unfortunately, more public scrutiny is coming to this subreddit, and it will not be good if things do not get better...

If you needed any more proof this fucker is a (((operative)))...

[–]wokeAZN 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I always treat chihuahua shrimp dick gooklets like shit in everyday life in any form I can. Not like theres a shortage of them