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[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There were always these neat gas stations with all these toys and souvenir.

The gas station here doesn't sell toys, just beer and moldy food. They have to be bribing the health inspector, because one time my mom bought me a donut from there and it was super moldy — never bought food from there again!


Where in tarnation did'yo hear that? It's Arkansan — or Arkansawyer if you prefer Germanic suffixes. I've never heard anyone say the former in my entire life, but the Internet seems to think it's a thing.

One time as a 8yr old brat I was trying to buy this neat rubber band gun but the fat Arkansian proprietor claimed it was broken. 8yr old me didn't think it was.


You gonna stay there, in Arkansas?

Yeah? I ain't movin.

I guess it's better than Oklahoma or Dallas.

I could never live in a big city — especially one as big as Dallas. I like livin out in the country — partially cause I ain't got'o pay city taxes out here, but also cause it's quiet. My grandpa on my mom's side is from Texas, but I can't remember if he lived in Dallas or not.

My dad used to live along the Oklahoma border — part of the state I unironically want annexed into Arkansas. I used to go stay there every summer, but my dad eventually moved to the Arkansas side (they still own the property). Also, my grandma on my mom's side is from Oklahoma.

I don't want to move to either state, though — Arkansas is my home.