TL;DR – I built a platform for right-wingers to use in research for online debates and for dropping redpills. Please use it and give feedback to help improve it
AltBase is an in-progress concept for an online, collaborative, database platform dedicated to archiving, organizing, and referencing contrarian information on science, economics, sociology, or psychology. Claims, Sources, and Images are submitted by individual users, and reviewed by administrators, who add submissions to the data set as they are verified. By crowd sourcing research, AltBase could become the sum of the Alt-Right’s individual libraries, and turn our individual research efforts into a collective one. Put another way, it’s supposed to be a solution to the many, many, libraries, posts pastebins etc. that we have gathered over the years. The ultimate goal is to give /ourguys/ the ability to quickly reference relevant literature and infographics in order to combat the delusional beliefs and false narratives that persist on reddit and elsewhere on the internet.
You can browse Claims here, Images here, and Sources here. Both Claims and Images are linked to Sources, and #Tags are used to categorize these Claims and Images by topic. There about 1300 Claims, 900 Sources, and 130 Images as of now.
(Very brief) Instructions:
As stated, AltBase is built mainly on a relationship between four different objects – Claims (identified by ‘C’ and numbers, e.g. ‘C123’), Sources (‘S123’), Images (‘M123’), and Tags (e.g. ‘#race’). Each of these things exist independently of each other, but each Claim and Image must be tied to at least one Source.
Each Claim/Source/Image has one row devoted to it in the respective views, and has data related to that object. For example, in the Claims View, you have the ClaimID, SourceID, whether or not the link works (‘Valid URL’), Description (what the claim actually is), then data on the related Source (Author, Title, Year) so you know what the claim is referencing. For example – C564 asserts “Human intelligence is highly heritable.”, which comes from S315 Genome-wide association studies establish that human intelligence is highly heritable and polygenic by Davies, et al. In the ImageView, images can have multiple sources but each must have one Primary Source.
You can browse through Sources, Claims, and Images casually by clicking the page numbers at the bottom of the GridView, or you can do a custom query using the search parameters. Your parameters are the boxes and tag drop-downs above the Gridview. Use the ‘QUERY’ button to update your search.
Once you have the Source/Image/Claim you want, you can do a couple things. You can click on the link to the Source or Image, Copy the relevant details to the big text box using the ‘PRINT’ Button, or Edit the selected Claim/Image/Source using the other buttons under the text box (if you’re signed in). For instance, you might want to edit a Source to report a broken link, or update it with a working link.
You can add Sources, Images, and Claims to the dataset if you provide a username and email. Your email doesn’t have to be a real one (e.g. ‘’), but there needs to be some value there to register. I intend that emails will have to be real in the future. DO NOT use your personal email or assume it is secure. To avoid malicious activity, I intend to lock user creation later today.
RIP r/DebateAltRight
This post was originally intended for r/DebateAltRight in about two weeks time. I nearly scrambled to post this there last night in the wake of the leaks. However, it felt too premature because the platform isn’t entirely finished. I regret that now, especially given the relatively smaller size of this place I’ve decided to just go for it and expand the user base beyond the few folks I have helping me test it now. Its about 90% of where I want it to be from a user’s perspective anyways. Please forgive the somewhat unfinished and clunky presentation as well as the inevitable technical issues as we improve this tool over time. I hope that AltBase can help give us an edge in a world of escalating censorhip and deplatforming.
[–]Fourth_stage 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)