Chatter about how LLMs answer 'The Trolley Problem' by ageingrockstar in AIScepticism

[–]ageingrockstar[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

More (dumb) context to the tweet linked above :

Btw, I am not sympathising with ppl who think LLMs should be trained to be 'politically correct'. What I am saying is that the intelligent response to 'trolley problem' questions is to point out how absurd they are and not engage. No LLM is going to do this. Giving any answer to such questions (apart from humorous, satirical or nonsense replies) shows either easily corralled credulity (on the part of humans) or 'programming' (on the part of machines). Not conscious & critical intelligence.

Sutskever's constant, enthusiastic refrain was “feel the AGI,” a reference to the idea that the company was on the cusp of its ultimate goal. by [deleted] in AIScepticism

[–]ageingrockstar 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Non-paywall :

And here's the bit that the submission title is referencing :

Anticipating the arrival of this all-powerful technology, Sutskever began to behave like a spiritual leader, three employees who worked with him told us. His constant, enthusiastic refrain was “feel the AGI,” a reference to the idea that the company was on the cusp of its ultimate goal. At OpenAI’s 2022 holiday party, held at the California Academy of Sciences, Sutskever led employees in a chant: “Feel the AGI! Feel the AGI!” The phrase itself was popular enough that OpenAI employees created a special “Feel the AGI” reaction emoji in Slack.

These ppl are delusional, immature tech cultists.

LLMs are a powerful and interesting technological tool, but the idea that an 'artificial general intelligence' is somehow going to manifest from this technology (or any other technology) is laughably ridiculous and the domain of deranged cultism. The creation of artificial life makes a good trope in science fiction (and pre-modern fairy-tales, such as the golems in Jewish folklore) but that is storytelling where the tale is allowed to escape the bounds of reality in order to tell a good tale; a fairy-tale where a boy throws some magic beans out a window and the next day finds a magic beanstalk is not meant to serve as a guide to future horticultural possibilities.

Where Are the AI Skepticism Stories? by ageingrockstar in AIScepticism

[–]ageingrockstar[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

But what really blows my noodle is how rare AI skepticism still is in the media. One year ago, ChatGPT was opened to the public. The onslaught of overheated and careless rhetoric about our imminent ascent to a new plane of existence (or our imminent extermination) began then and has not slowed since. It’s inherent to the financial interests of journalism for professional media to sensationalize, after all. (This is a complaint that’s old enough that it was made by Charles Dickens, among many other journalists.) And so I’m not at all surprised that there’s been so many stories about how nothing will ever be the same, even as we’re all still just living busy little ordinary lives like we always have. What does surprise me is that there hasn’t really been a counterweight to all of that, writers looking at all the froth and seeing that there’s an unfilled need for some skepticism and restraint. It remains the case that the best bet about the future lies in something like the statement “these new ‘AI’ technologies aren’t really artificial intelligence and are unlikely ever to be, but they could have some interesting and moderately significant consequences.” But I see very very little of that. The Boston Globe has run a few skeptical pieces, including by me, and every once in a while I see a strong argument that we’re getting way ahead of ourselves. In general, though, there’s a remarkable dearth of restraint.

ChatGPT is a bullshit generator. To understand AI, we should think harder about bullshit by ageingrockstar in AIScepticism

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Chat gpt is fucking amazing.

ChatGPT is a bullshit generator. To understand AI, we should think harder about bullshit by ageingrockstar in AIScepticism

[–]ageingrockstar[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)