How the Trudeau government sabotaged our energy industry and left us vulnerable to a US trade war
1 day ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
Analysis of the purpose of Trump's tariffs
2 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
WPATH member admits that detransition rate is 30% - but STILL believes they are the "experts" who should be guiding policy
3 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from (
Canadian banks have a money laundering problem
3 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
Canada’s public safety minister just said less than 1% of America’s fentanyl is from Canada, and ditto for illegal immigrants - Here's why that's a whopper of a lie
5 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
Ross Glick, the Executive Director of @Betar_USA is running a Zionist surveillance campaign to track and blacklist pro-Palestine students and offering people $1,800 if they can hand me a beeper. But who is he? A millionaire with a history of revenge porn charges. 🧵
5 days ago by FreedomUltd to /s/AskALeftist from (
NGO/Government Grant Tracking Tool - Connect NGOs to your tax dollars
6 days ago by xoenix to /s/politics from (
The most damaging report in Canada's healthcare system just became public: Alberta Health Services blew $2 million to investigate their COVID response - but REFUSED to cooperate with their own investigation
7 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
Toronto City Councillor Chris Moise is making up new smears about Henry Dundas, the man after whom Dundas Street is named
Taking a look at the federal grant payments being frozen
7 days ago by xoenix to /s/politics from (
FFL Michael Shane Daughtry was relentlessly hassled by DOJ, FBI and ATF for YEARS after J6 misdemeanor arrest
9 days ago by Drewski to /s/corruption from (
The Law Society of Ontario board put forward a proposal that would appear to entrench their power, and reduce the likelihood that anyone who opposes their pro-EDI agenda will gain control in future elections
10 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
🧵 Thread of how Hamas trolled the fuck out of zionists today.
10 days ago by FreedomUltd to /s/AskALeftist from (
Long Island judge upholds law that prevents a man named Bratzilla from playing roller derby against women
14 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from (
Why Trump's latest move against the Deep State is more revolutionary than you think
15 days ago by xoenix to /s/politics from (
Moderate gender mythbusting
15 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from (
Chrystia Freeland's handwritten notes during the convoy reveal how she thinks about Canadian citizens
16 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
Germany's nuclear suicide
18 days ago by xoenix to /s/Europe from (
UK man will be charged for posting a screenshot of one of Ivor Caplin's posts
20 days ago by xoenix to /s/censorship from (
The whistleblowers who exposed the UK's grooming gang scandal
20 days ago by xoenix to /s/Europe from (
A small town's worth of Indians came to Canada on a study permit & never went to class. Where are they & what are they doing?
20 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
Texas LGBTQ Youth Coordinator explains to an undercover reporter how to use an out of state birth certificate to get their son into girls sports
22 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from (
The Trudeau govt has confirmed its Foreign Interference Commission Report will be published by the end of this month - Reviewing some of the documents
22 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
Spanish architecture
24 days ago by xoenix to /s/Europe from (
Another trans rights lobby org, "TransFamilies" is shutting down
25 days ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from (
The decline of California's forest management and fire prevention policies
27 days ago by xoenix to /s/environment from (
RCMP and Toronto police officers speak out about two-tier policing
27 days ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
Utah State University women's dorm has allegedly allowed a trans "Dorm Mom" to turn it into his own queer fetish project
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from (
In 1860, a French explorer hacked through the Cambodian jungle and uncovered Angkor Wat
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/history from (
The most unforgettable people of 2024:
1 month ago by FreedomUltd to /s/AskALeftist from (
The Rotherham rape scandal ranks among the top 10 most significant events in British history since 2000
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/Europe from (
What a California school district is teaching 10 year olds about sex and gender
To any trans women who are really attractive: How did you do it?
Charlie Javice sold her company to JP Morgan for $175M at age 28, unfortunately she was busted for fraud
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/whatever from (
The UN wants to control climate information so you only hear facts that "boost support for urgent climate action"
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/censorship from (
The BBC is in civil war: It's leaked that every Palestine story requires one man's approval. 13 top BBC journalists have risked their careers to reveal the truth. We reveal how this "neutral" editor ruthlessly manipulated coverage (and his shocking ties to Mossad): 🧵
The Zionism Observer genocide archival project is 1 year old today. A year ago I asked myself what a software developer could do for Palestine, in the face of a genocide. A year ago, I founded a "startup" dedicated to memory and accountability for the Zionist genocide. Some thoughts, after a year.🧵
During WWII the Nazis launched a secret war against the Freemasons
Democrats went against their regular picking order to put in Jamie Raskin as minority leader of the Judiciary committee, to protect himself and his co-conspirators
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/politics from (
Time moves faster between Galaxies
1 month ago by American_Muskrat to /s/science from (
Is the Universe accelerating expansion because time runs faster in the voids between galaxies?
1 month ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from (
Trudeau's bureaucratic money pit
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
HISTORIC Iran-Russia Deal to Be Signed in January 20th… The Strategic Defence Treaty between Iran and Russia has been kept under maximum security. This Landmark deal permanently binds Iran’s military with Russia, allowing Iran unrestricted access to purchase Russian Weapons + Fighter Jets.
Pornsick 16 year old gets away with anything he wants in the girls change rooms a Wisconsin high school
🚨 ARRESTED: Zionist Amy Kwalwasser, 53, was charged with assault. We have video of the incident 🧵 She is due in court on Feb 11. Charges include assault, assault with intent to cause physical injury, criminal possession of a weapon, harassment and criminal mischief.
Someone tried to warn German police about Taleb Al Abdulmohsen before he attacked the Christmas market
AOC and Bernie Sanders are engaged in one of the most disgusting depraved sick acts of deception I have ever witnessed, all to launder Genocide Joe and Democrats and their own complicity in the ongoing Gaza genocide.
🧵This graph shows X posts by impressions in the first six hours after the Magdeburg attack. Specifically these are posts falsely attributing the attack to an Islamist terror attack or a Syrian, or using it as an opportunity to attack immigration or Muslims.
Evidence of CA officials allegedly embezzling hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars for homelessness through a sketchy Cayman Islands group
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/corruption from (
A triple murderer showed up at Nick Fuentes home with a pistol, crossbow and bombs
1 month ago by xoenix to /s/news from (
Why do you think you're a girl?
The host
Harvard's top censorship magazine, The Misinformation Review, bragged that "mis/disinfo studies" is "too big to fail", owing in part to big money flowing from government
"The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people." If a State, in it's fundamental laws, gives or denies rights to citizens based on their race, it is by definition a racist state.
The Canadian government doles out $102B per year (1/4 of the total budget) in an opaque slush fund titled "other transfer payments"
Guys I know we don't like the US empire, but Saddam Hussein is so evil. Not everything the US does is bad. Sometimes the empire can be a progressive force! Why cant these ultraleftists see that? Iraq will be so much better off after the US overthrows Saddam!
Clinton’s emails: “The best to way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Assad…It is the strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Assad in Syria that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel’s security.”
AFN delegates heckle Trudeau - "Don't walk away from us!"
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/canada from (
His final LinkedIn post. The responses are, well…oof
2 months ago by FreedomUltd to /s/AskALeftist from (
Favourite memes about that CEO so far 🧵
Feeling of impunity are on the wane for some...
Looking at the claims made by gender affirmation advocates for U.S. v. Skrmetti
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/TumblrInAction from (
🚨 We are on the verge of Israeli hegemony in the Middle East. If Syria falls, then that will be a massive blow to Iran, the Axis of Resistance, and the Palestinian cause. 👇 Here’s why 🧵
While Brian Thompson was CEO of United Health Care, the company began using an AI to automate the denial of services. The AI was found to have a 90% error rate, but the company continued to use it, resulting in people being denied medically-necessary and fully-covered treatments.
🚨 Ukraine is creating a new Axis of Terrorism from Syria to West Africa. 👇 Here’s what you need to know 🧵
Reuters now reporting what everyone already knew but was pretending not to: The reactivation of the Syria fascist proxies by the US-NATO-Israeli empire, with Turkey playing a key role, is to force Syria to block supplies to Hezbollah so as to enable Israel's conquest of Lebanon.
The tax dollars Canada has given away since 2018
Jaguar's new target market appears to be "queer creators"
At the NIH, the Distinguished Scholars Program hires scientists who show a “commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.”
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/Health from (
The NXIVM sex cult operated various "Rainbow Cultural Garden" daycare centres, imported child sex slaves from Mexico
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/conspiracy from (
Last week's Jaguar ad was so bonkers it's tempting to assume it was a joke or an accident. It was neither. It represents the culmination of a campaign to groom a great British brand by the insane LGBTQ+ lobby.
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/corruption from (
No guarantees from enemies will work, and not even guarantees from half-friends and neutrals. The enemy must be finished off - this is a guarantee of peace and prosperity. The USSR did not finish off fascism, in Syria they did not finish off the jihadists - the situations are very similar.
Hezbollah defeated Israel in 2006, the West identified Syria as a major source of arms support. No way Israel could defeat Hezbollah, next best option was to destroy Syria via proxy war. Destruction of Syria remains a major objective of those seeking to re-establish Israel's military superiority.
If you haven’t already please try to also follow non-journalist accounts in Gaza - there is so much suffering that perhaps does not rise to the level of news and so much resilience, patience and perspective on it. A thread to start you off :
Loving the Brine Shrimp: Exploring Queer Feminist Blue Posthumanities to Reimagine the ‘America’s Dead Sea’
Walmart is ending their woke policies
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/politics from (
The Israel Defense Force’s war crimes are all over social media, but did you know that the IDF’s terrorist history goes back decades? Read on. 🧵
Israeli government approves resolution to stop all government advertising in Ha’aretz, and calls upon all publicly funded institutions to cease all communications with the newspaper. This, due to Ha’aretz “harming the legitimacy of the State” and publisher’s call for sanctions
Judyth Vary Baker was a prodigy in the field of cancer research. She was also the girlfriend of Lee Harvey Oswald
Don’t forget under which admin all of these things happened once Trump takes office in January and starts weaponizing the plethora of ammunition democrats have handed to him. The easy thing will be to point the finger at Trump, but you’ll have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to thank.
A thread of states that have said they will honour and/or welcome the ICC warrants issued for Israeli officials Netanyahu and Gallant. This highlights Israel’s growing isolation as they won’t be able to enter these countries on pain of arrest. 🧵
The JRD vote (to block arms sales to Israel) is scheduled for TOMORROW! Contact your senators and demand they uphold the rule of law, especially if they are on this list! 👇
Trantifa assaults a Women's Declaration USA meeting at a Seattle public library
Political demographics in the U.S.
Laura Helmuth has resigned as Editor-in-Chief of Scientific American after over four years in the role
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/science from (
Prediction markets aren't just gambling sites - they're the most accurate forecasting tools ever created
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/technology from (
Financial Times article about the Overton Window echoes an old meme
Looking back at the insanity of the Wi Spa incident
The transgender-to-Democrat superstar pipeline
A graveyard of bad election narratives
Israel annexed the West Bank in practice long ago. Israel is the sovereign power. The official annexation of the West Bank in name will entail a formalization of facts on the ground that Israel has already been expanding and entrenching with US support for decades. 🧵
In celebration of @FranceskAlbs recent standing ovations at both LSE and SOAS, let me highlight the main contributions her Reports have made to the way we understand the genocide of the Palestnian people in Gaza 🧵
...reporters ask if Israel "has done enough," when Israel intentionally engineered this entire pre-planned famine by using starvation as a weapon of war. The famine was announced, in advance, by Israeli leadership:
Initial reporting about a man who murdered his family in France left out some key details, as usual
Another unhinged California school teacher melts down in class over the election
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/Education from (
Democrats try their hand at stolen election conspiracy theories
Holy shit this is for real!? She's serious about this!?!? Harris is asking for donations for a recount!?!?!? Beeotch you got beat like a Zionist in Amsterdam!!! Recount LOL!!!!! More election denial from the Democratic party. Shouldn't they be blaming Russia???
Wait wait wait. The Harris campaign existed for ~100 days, raised over a billion dollars, spent $450,000 a day on one ad on the Last Vegas Sphere, had at least a half dozen high budget concerts with like Katy Perry or whatever, now it's $20 million in debt and can't pay staff?
Justine Bateman talks about the past 4 years in woke Hollywood
2 months ago by xoenix to /s/Entertainment from (
Elizabeth Warren lays out her plan to fight the upcoming Republican administration
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