viewing revision from 5 years ago







Feel free to post things here for folks to stumble across.

Would you like to be self-employed?

It took magnora7 and d3rr almost a year and a half to just have the expenses covered by donations on SaidIt.

Every YouTuber and blogger out there started from nothing.

You don't get something for nothing. There's always the risk of failure. If you don't try you'll never know what greatness feels like.

/s/SaidItWeekly is yours to build.

It won't be easy and it will require tenacity. It's very possible and others have done similar things. Provide a reliable quality service and you can be rewarded.

There's no policy on SaidIt that prohibits asking for donations for your efforts. If others help I'm sure you can organize a fair system to all. Ideally fully transparent, but that's up to you.

If your work is good enough, perhaps with character, humour, impact, truth, and a strong vision, then maybe, just maybe, /u/JasonCarswell will consider animating it, to bring more eyes and potential income to share.

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revision by JasonCarswell— view source