"Puppies aren’t separated from their moms until ~8 weeks. Less than that is thought of as harmful or abusive. One of the most common lengths of US paid family leave is ~6 weeks. So yes, when we “let the market decide” on parental leave, “the market” treats people worse than dogs." AOC by EndlessSunflowers in WayOfTheBern

[–]www777 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

An unborn child isn't equivalent to a child that has been born? Well then a child in their mom's house isn't equivalent to a child outside the house. A toddler isn't equivalent to an adult. Meaningless technicalities. It's still a child, it's still a human life. Imagine trying to justify killing with such flawed logic. So when a child is born at 8 months it has the right to life but you can snuff out an unborn child at 9 months because reasons? It's older, it's lived more, it's more developed. Supporters of baby killing are fucked in their heads.

"Puppies aren’t separated from their moms until ~8 weeks. Less than that is thought of as harmful or abusive. One of the most common lengths of US paid family leave is ~6 weeks. So yes, when we “let the market decide” on parental leave, “the market” treats people worse than dogs." AOC by EndlessSunflowers in WayOfTheBern

[–]www777 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"human larva"

You're demented, humans don't have larva.

not even close to being any form of child till WAY down the line of pregnancy

It's a human child the whole time, and what is this "way down the line" crap? When exactly would you say that is? 7 months? 8 months? 8 months and 10 days? 9 months 1 day 1 hour old? You abortion supporters never even agree on the time a human gets the right to life.

Get your horrible arguments about houses out of here, a women is not a house to just keep kids in.

It was a very good argument that you didn't refute and I didn't say women are a house just to keep kids in, so nice strawman.

Learn that before you start trying to deligate who can carry what inside their body.

This doesn't make sense given my comments, but no one should have the right to take away someone else's right to life. If you create a child then take care of it. Imagine having your own child killed, sickos.

"Puppies aren’t separated from their moms until ~8 weeks. Less than that is thought of as harmful or abusive. One of the most common lengths of US paid family leave is ~6 weeks. So yes, when we “let the market decide” on parental leave, “the market” treats people worse than dogs." AOC by EndlessSunflowers in WayOfTheBern

[–]www777 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Oh look you weaseled out of answering the question on when your demented brain thinks a baby becomes human with the right to life.

You're shitty baby killing logic = underdeveloped and small = not human. Well 1 year olds are underdeveloped and small too. Humans are not fully developed until like 25 years of age. These women are carrying another human, it has it's own unique make up and DNA, it's not just "their body."