The problem that is /s/ice_poseidon2 by HorrorShow in SaidIt

[–]observerandy 3 insightful - 5 fun3 insightful - 4 fun4 insightful - 5 fun -  (0 children)

So I am someone who discovered IRL streaming and these communities about 6 months ago. I watch all the streamers at different times, including Ice. I want to be upfront with my biases in the sense that I don't think ice is evil, racist, sociopathic, etc like many of the people on IP2 like to say he is. I am not active on saidit, I only lurk, so I realize that my opinion doesn't count for much. Take it for what it is. I just wanted to add my 2c because I have been closely following everything as an outside observer for a bit now and I think that it is important to echo HorrorShow's sentiments (biased as they appear to be) that IP2 do seem to go against most everything that this site stands for. Not the memes and criticism, which is also present, and great. But the directed effort to manipulate, doxx, harass, and deplatform streamers. It is very obvious to anyone who follows the community for more than a few weeks that the spirit of the IP2 community is that of individuals who feel that streamers are monkeys who should dance to their tune. "Content" is drama, novel situations, whatever is interesting to the people from IP2 in chat who are shouting and donating for what they want to see. As soon as the streamer pushes back and asserts that they are autonomous and in control, the IP2 users lash out. Humans make mistakes, and IP2 ardently catalogue every mistake the streamers make so that they can use them against them when the need presents itself. Ice Poseidon receives the most targeted harassment because he was essentially their friend/primary dancing monkey who "broke up" with them, and they did not take the breakup well. They feel as though they "made" him, and that he should not be allowed to exist outside of their influence. See this thread from yesterday, noting the top voted reply from one of the mods:

It is not uncommon to see members/moderators of IP2 posting things akin to "he will never escape us" whenever he is brought up on reddit or in other communities. Doxx is allowed to sit up for long periods of time. Members of the community constantly encourage harassment in the form of calls (to police or otherwise), contacting sponsors, contacting anyone who works with him, etc to present information out of context in an attempt to cause emotional and financial harm. Whenever they are successful, the fruits are always the top rated posts of the entire saidit, so it isn't a case of a few bad apples.

Just wanted to lend that perspective because it is important, given that the community is exceptionally skilled at manipulating and gaslighting in order to deflect and build walls of plausible deniability. I think it is all very entertaining and warped, and I don't think that removing them from this community would do anything. They'll just set up shop somewhere else. Just wanted to add a bit of truth to this since it is very much a war of words between sides who are very invested in things. Most people typing here have been a part of these communities for years. So yeah, that's the truth. Hi to all the IP2 who will say I am from ice's dead discord / pissboi yes man.