
I know this site is for free speech and all but please cut the antisemitism and conspiracy theory bs from the front page. It's not a good look and is going to drive people away from trying the site.
jet199 85 insightful - 14 fun85 insightful - 13 fun86 insightful - 14 fun 3 years ago

No, let them see it immediately.

People need to know this stuff is here if they decide whether to use the site. Then they can choose to go elsewhere if they want to. Don't con people into using a site they don't agree with.

Also in the couple of weeks I've been here I've seen those people turn up in the comments of every sub. Hiding their subs will only make it seem more of a shock when they turn up in your post about crunchy peanut butter to tell you the juice is behind it.

Finally conspiracy theories often lead to racism but not always, don't conflate the two. You might be snobbish towards conspiracy theorists but that's no reason to declare they must be hidden. Particularly at the moment when we very do much have a small minority controlling the media narrative which doesn't fit reality at all.

Well, reddit is blocked on my school computers but saidit isn't
jet199 54 insightful - 20 fun54 insightful - 19 fun55 insightful - 20 fun 3 years ago

Because Reddit is now a porn site with a few user forums.

r/terfisaslur, r/GenderCriticalGuys, and r/LGBDroptheT all just got banned
jet199 51 insightful - 1 fun51 insightful - 0 fun52 insightful - 1 fun 3 years ago

They had a thread asking what people thought they should do in light of the GC ban, as in be nicer, be less anti trans etc.

I told them the main thing they need to do was to archive everything and open up a new site elsewhere because it wouldn't matter how nice they were.

When your toddler is already smarter than you.
jet199[S] 49 insightful - 11 fun49 insightful - 10 fun50 insightful - 11 fun 3 years ago

The child is just there to serve the mother's ego and psychosis.

When your toddler is already smarter than you.
jet199[S] 49 insightful - 7 fun49 insightful - 6 fun50 insightful - 7 fun 3 years ago

It's child abuse.