This podcast is about Neo-Judaizers, who are so-called "Christians" that attempt to syncretize Christianity and Judaism. They use terms like "Judeo-Christian" and dismiss the 2000 years of enmity between Christians and Jews. In doing so they make several theological errors and even commit heresy.(
The Ammo Used Was Sub-Sonic (Custom), Facilitating the Need to Work the Slide Manually(
I've been into this brain surgeon guy's interesting concept he calls quantum biology. Explaining how amino acids absorb light freq, how the body requires light as much as food, and how an imbalance of excessive blue light (LCD screen) may cause many of our illnesses. (2 hour lecture)(
End of Days Signs - Wicked Days - Final Days Report: News | SJWellFire [20.38](
Happy Immaculate Conception Day! Here is a song I wrote for this special day called "Chosen Vessel". Please share it if you like it. May God reward you!(
The CIA and the Scorpion paramilitary group.(
Dirty Jerdi - I wanna be in the Illuminati(
The weird case of Ezra Miller - abused as a child in Hollywood, being offered to play in top movies like "The Flash", groomed minors, and reported that Freemasons were sending demons to kill him, while sayinh he was Jesus, the devil, and the Messiah... Oh, and he's jooish and queer. [MK Ultra](
Are they putting the data in people’s skin?? - nonvaxer420 [57.22](
What did the Church in the Late Middle Ages teach about the Jews? Did the Church teach the Jews could be saved through their Mosaic Law or did it reject Dual Covenant Theology? Did the Church recommend Jews live with and socialize with Christians or did it demand separation? Find out here!(
CEO of the biggest health insurer assassinated(self)
The man who funneled the NIH money to Wuhan and says NATO should be used to force vaccinate. Bow tie idiot Peter Hotez is now saying Trump will get punished with bioweapons on Jan 21st, (Peter's genocide involvement info in comments)(
"There is credible evidence that Nancy Pelosi had Brian Thompson killed to hide her potentially illegal activity with Palo Alto Networks (one of the companies tasked with investigating a cybersecurity breach at UnitedHealth)" -Matt Wallace(
Du Pont Family’s Success Story is Darker Than You Think.(
What did the Church in the High Middle Ages teach about the Jews? Did the Church teach the Jews killed Christ and cursed themselves or not? Did the Church teach the Jews should be dispersed throughout the world in perpetual servitude or not? Was the Magisterium openly anti-Judaic? Watch to find out!(
RIP JFK - Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt > JFK + Antarctica + Trump + Musk + X Files (11/22/24)(
Dr. Jack Kruse - Bioweapons, MKUltra 2.0, Organized Crime and CIA - Bulwarg Disclosure Podcast Ep. 4 - Bulwarg(
Syria Update - M-O-U-A-Z-Y M-O-U-S-T, Crooks Update - georgewebb [47.58](
What did the early Church in the Early Middle Ages teach about the Jews? Did they teach that the Jews are our enemies or allies? Did they teach that the Jews killed Christ or the Romans did? Did they teach that the Jews are cursed or not? Watch this video to find out! Please share this video!(
Why won't ChatGPT say the name "David Meyer"?(
The NXIVM sex cult operated various "Rainbow Cultural Garden" daycare centres, imported child sex slaves from Mexico(
About the Jesuit role in the genocide plan along with the Intelligence agencies as a way to reach Teilhard's Omega Point. (X-post from s/Jesuits)(
New documentary about the jews: Occupied World(
The 6 million. Where did that number come from? Here is the proof in hard copy not pictures.(