We will never fight patriarchy porn,misogyny etc cause women are to passive submissive and nice.Like you even get criticized by feminists for being to hateful after calling out male depravity.Why women love men so much knowing how horrible men are?And most of those women has been raped by men before by Ireallydothink in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

Yep. It’s so fucking sad that women will always prioritize their Nigel over other women. I accredit our downfall to pickmes/handmaidens just as much as I credit it to smegs. Moids pushed us down, and pickmes fight to keep us there.

Everything to them is about catering to male feelings. “Not all men!” they cry, then lay under their boyfriends who choke them during sex and then go cheat on them. “Men just need therapy,” they insist, not realizing that therapy actually benefits abusive men by giving them terms to further gaslight and abuse women (Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft discusses this in detail).

The funniest part is, women acknowledge how shitty men are. At least, thats what I’ve noticed is occurring in Gen Z. I have many pickme friends who openly speak about how the bar is so low for men. However, the most infuriating part is that theyll complain to me about how shitty the men in their life are to them. They’ve literally described to me being sexually coerced/raped. And then turn around and CONTINUE SEEING THE GUY AND SUCKING HIS DICK AND PINING AFTER HIM. There is something fundamentally fucked up about these women. Its sickening.

Even if its just me. Even though I feel so alone. I will never tolerate male bullshit again. I have stopped seeking male validation. To me, it is as worthless as it is abundant. I will never bend over backwards to sexually please a man again. I will never reduce myself to an object or incubator. I will tell men who get on my nerves to fuck off and eat shit. And just pray that more women will adopt the same mentality.

Treatment of CA trans inmates changes Jan. 1 - Come January 1 how California houses transgender inmates and treats LGBTQ youth sex offenders will change due to the enactment of two controversial bills lawmakers adopted in 2020 by Happy_face_caller in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I fear this is the beginning of the end. Despite what a fucking delusion transgenderism is, its defense has made its way into popular liberal ideology and into law. Question transgenderism? Banned from Reddit. Banned from most, if not all social media platforms. Have hoards of pickme handmaidens at your throat. Have your position taken away. Lose your job. Men have finally breached the sex segregation that protects women from their reign. Soon we will have nothing. Female sports will be infested with moids. Men will be seen as the ultimate “female representation.” Women in prisons will now have to deal with men amongst them. We are going backwards now. I fear greatly for my future, and the future of other women.

“Divorce Rape” Anti-Moid Myths by Barg in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

everything they complain about women, is a complete and utter projection. all of it. in fact, it’s their way of revealing their true selves, i feel. i listen very carefully whenever men complain about women. for example, the “women are more emotional” fallacy. to me, he’s just admitting that he has some form of emotional constipation and/or rage problems. its always a projection.

“Divorce Rape” Anti-Moid Myths by Barg in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

all men deserve to be raped (by other men, that is. they enjoy when women ‘rape’ them), to finally feel how it is to be truly desecrated in the way that they constantly desecrate us. but then again, i think even “consensual sex” between a moid and a woman is some form of rape. the way they have sex with us is like they're using us as human fleshlights. complete disregard for our pleasure and thus, our humanity. the fact that the definition of sex revolves around THEIR pleasure is an inherent power balance already. there is no truly equal sex where a woman does not feel pressured out of her boundaries in some way, shape, or form. in all the times ive had sex with a moid, i always faced some kind of agony from penetration, as well as sudden choking/slaps/degrading talk/pressure to do it without protection. and i was so brainwashed i convinced myself i liked it.

DAE finds it scary when yiu are being called a misandrist after calling out male depravity?? Do men really think that seeing the truth about them and their sexuality is misandry? Thats fucking terrifying. Men are so pathetic. Its like they are afraid that more women will se truth about them how- by Ireallydothink in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

absolutely. cant tell you how many times i’ve been labeled a “man-hater” for simply stating the truth. if me acknowledging the fact that men rape, generally treat women as shit, sexually abuse us, and normalize watching rape on film (porn) makes me a man-hater. then by all means, fuck men. same guy admitted to me that he watched hours upon hours of porn everyday and constantly tried to justify it because “some porn actresses enjoy their role!11!1”. literally everything they say is a projection. i dont spend hours watching men get sexually tortured and abused. he was the true woman-hater. fucker.

“Divorce Rape” Anti-Moid Myths by Barg in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

well said. i agree with everything 100%. men are leeches who like to think that they have something to provide when in actuality, all they do is drain the resources, mental/physical health, and emotional energy of women. they are one of the most unevolved life forms on this planet, no better than murderous parasites commanded entirely by their dicks and egos. it is like their only purpose in life is to destroy. to destroy the women they’re with, destroy the planet, destroy all morals, and when they have nothing left to destroy—destroy themselves.

Men are so fucking primitve and male sexuality is the biggest scum on this toilet earth.As years go by and i grow older and more awake i just look around and cant fucking belive thay this is my reality. Fuvking disgusting. No matter how many mental gymnastics i do cant find a way to find peace here by Ireallydothink in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

men are the true monsters. horror titles don’t even scare me anymore because we actively live amongst the most deranged beasts that have cursed this existence. women cannot safely venture out at night. we must always take caution when we are alone. we must arm ourselves to be safe—but even then, we can be overpowered so easily that it’s comical, thanks to the retard strength of moids. when they do not have a woman to abuse, they watch films of our abuse online. they rape us with their disgusting seed in hopes of creating more XYs and spreading their disease. to be a woman is to live in a horror movie. i hate this existence. i hate that the true beauty and power of the divine feminine has been stifled. things would be very different in an all-female society, for the better, no doubt. we would be freed from our shackles and the horror of our realities. but instead, we’re stuck. brainwashed into birthing even more of our oppressors. i fear not only pregnancy, but the chance of giving birth to an evil, sadistic moid. i hope one day technology improves enough that we can choose the sex of our babies and whittle down on the moids. thats our only hope.

OK Cupid surveyed their members by jet199 in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

proof that young, impressionable women are brainwashed into wanting bdsm “kinky” sex and as women grow older, we finally begin to realize what bullshit it is. of course some pickmes will brainwash themselves for a lifetime, but i like to at least think that as we get older, most women at least stop having shitty sex (leading to dead bedrooms) or at least acknowledge that it is not actually pleasurable.

Punctuation experiment does not surprise. by Happy_face_caller in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

and of course here come the men stampeding through the comments going on about “technically, the second one is grammatically incorrect” like gee, thanks dipshit. you’re definitely not triggered by the fact that without a woman you’d be NOTHING. and besides, they must be illiterate to think it’s incorrect grammatically. then of course the others who are saying “without woman AND man we are nothing.” i never trust people who say men have just as equal of a contribution to making life as a woman does. not only does it completely discredit the 9 months of pregnancy she goes through actually GROWING the fetus from a single cell to a full on baby, they’re the ones always arguing that “men should have an equal say in abortion!” as well. as if them busting a 3 second nut grants them full say. i hate men.

Male "depression" is a joke by [deleted] in PinkPillFeminism

[–]clarity 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

can confirm. back when i had male friends (cut them all off by now, thank god) they would constantly complain about being virgins and “not getting any pussy” and that they were soooo lonely and depressed over it. one in particular would not shut the fuck up about it, even going as far as to try to force an answer out of me whether i would hook up with him or not. and of course when i shut him down it was “all a joke!” despite how he was literally just desperately whining about it minutes ago. their egos are so ridiculously fragile and dependent on sexual validation. i wish the male portion of our population was reduced to a minimum of 1% (preferably 0 in a perfect world). we don’t need this many braindead moids walking around terrorizing women in the name of horniness.