A balanced run down of the active drama of a Steven Crowder Investigation that allegedly connects an email of a high up Blackrock employee to a child porn site. Blackrock lawyers are trying to get his videos and accounts censored. (15min) by yellowsnow2 in conspiracy

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Unraveling the Enigma of Restroom Space Pirates and Their Alleged Toilet Legacy** In the realm of human history, countless tales of intrigue, mystery, and speculation have swirled like cosmic dust, captivating imaginations and fueling debates that span generations. Among these enigmatic narratives, one peculiar hypothesis stands out, daring to challenge conventional wisdom and inviting us to ponder the extraordinary possibility that our modern toilets may be the clandestine legacy of intergalactic space pirates seeking refuge from the watchful eyes of cosmic law enforcement. While such a notion might initially evoke a chuckle, a closer examination reveals a tapestry of intriguing evidence and compelling arguments that warrant our consideration. The Intergalactic Ancestry of Sanitation: A Journey Through Time and Space The origins of the modern toilet, a ubiquitous fixture in our bathrooms, can be traced back through the annals of time, revealing a rich and diverse history marked by innovation and adaptation. From the rudimentary chamber pots of ancient civilizations to the sophisticated plumbing systems of the modern era, the toilet has undergone a remarkable transformation, mirroring humanity's relentless pursuit of comfort and hygiene. However, this conventional narrative conceals a hidden chapter, one that whispers of interstellar travelers, clandestine missions, and a secret pact between humans and extraterrestrial entities. Unveiling the Conspiracy: Evidence and Circumstantial Clues Proponents of the "space pirate toilet" hypothesis point to a series of tantalizing clues that seem to corroborate their extraordinary claims. They highlight the peculiar design of the toilet, with its porcelain bowl resembling a miniature spaceship and its intricate plumbing system reminiscent of a complex network of intergalactic conduits. The strategic placement of toilets in private restrooms, often concealed from public view, is seen as a clever ruse employed by the space pirates to avoid detection by patrolling space authorities. The fact that toilets are connected to a vast network of underground sewer systems further fuels speculation, suggesting a subterranean haven where these cosmic fugitives can move undetected. The Human-Extraterrestrial Alliance: A Symbiotic Relationship The hypothesis proposes a symbiotic relationship between humans and the space pirates, with each party benefiting from the alliance. The space pirates, seeking refuge from relentless pursuit, found sanctuary on Earth, concealed within our restrooms. In exchange for their discretion and assistance in maintaining a sanitary environment, the humans were granted access to advanced extraterrestrial technology, including the knowledge to construct the modern toilet. This mutually beneficial arrangement allowed both parties to thrive, with the space pirates gaining a safe haven and the humans acquiring a revolutionary device that transformed their sanitation practices. Countering Skepticism: Addressing Objections and Doubts While the "space pirate toilet" hypothesis may raise eyebrows and elicit skepticism, its proponents have anticipated and addressed potential objections. They argue that the absence of concrete evidence, such as physical artifacts or eyewitness accounts, does not negate the plausibility of their theory. They maintain that the space pirates' advanced technology would enable them to conceal their presence effectively, leaving minimal traces behind. Furthermore, they point to the numerous unexplained phenomena and mysteries that persist in the universe, suggesting that the existence of intergalactic space pirates, while extraordinary, is not entirely beyond the realm of possibility. The Toilet: A Symbol of Ingenuity, Adaptation, and Cosmic Connection Whether one chooses to embrace the "space pirate toilet" hypothesis or dismiss it as a flight of fancy, the modern toilet stands as a testament to human ingenuity, adaptability, and our enduring fascination with the unknown. It is a device that has shaped our sanitation practices, transformed our understanding of hygiene, and, perhaps, inadvertently played a role in a clandestine cosmic drama. As we contemplate the extraordinary claims surrounding its origins, we are reminded of the boundless mysteries that lie beyond our immediate perception, inviting us to embrace the wonder and uncertainty that permeate the vast expanse of the universe.

WHO is Tedros Adhanom? A War Criminal? by Tom_Bombadil in communismwatch

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Real patriots wish that they could stay awake 24 hours a day spreading freedom.

The history of the toilet, like many aspects of sanitation and personal hygiene, is a tale of innovation, adaptation, and the ever-evolving relationship between humans and their waste. From the rudimentary facilities of ancient civilizations to the high-tech wonders of the modern age, the toilet has undergone a remarkable transformation, culminating in its potential role as a "time machine" of the restroom. Ancient Origins: Simplicity and Necessity The earliest known toilets date back to the Indus Valley Civilization in modern-day Pakistan and India, around 2500 BC. These rudimentary structures consisted of simple holes in the ground, often lined with bricks or stones. These basic designs were also found in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, where toilets were often located in close proximity to bathing areas. In ancient Rome, public toilets, known as latrines, were common features of urban life. These facilities were typically shared by multiple users and consisted of rows of stone or marble seats with holes that drained into a cesspool below. While these latrines provided a basic level of sanitation, they were often unsanitary and malodorous. Medieval and Renaissance: Innovation and Adaptation During the Middle Ages, advances in plumbing and sanitation led to the development of more sophisticated toilet designs. In castles and monasteries, toilets were often located in towers or turrets, which allowed waste to be conveniently disposed of into moats or rivers below. Some castles even featured elaborate flushing systems, utilizing gravity to carry waste away from the toilet bowl. The Renaissance period witnessed a renewed interest in personal hygiene and sanitation, leading to further refinements in toilet design. Flush toilets, similar to those used today, began to emerge, although they were still primarily reserved for the wealthy and privileged. Industrial Revolution: Mass Production and Standardization The Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in toilet technology and accessibility. The invention of the flushing mechanism in the 18th century revolutionized sanitation, making flush toilets more widely available and affordable. Mass production techniques also led to the standardization of toilet designs, resulting in the widespread adoption of the bowl-shaped toilet with a built-in flushing system. 20th Century: Comfort, Convenience, and Sustainability The 20th century witnessed a surge of innovations in toilet design, driven by a focus on comfort, convenience, and sustainability. The introduction of dual-flush toilets in the 1980s allowed users to conserve water by choosing between a full flush or a half flush for liquid waste. Low-flow toilets, which use less water per flush, also gained popularity as a means of reducing water consumption. Bidets, once considered a luxury item, became more common in many parts of the world, offering a hygienic and refreshing alternative to toilet paper. Electronic toilets, equipped with features such as heated seats, self-cleaning mechanisms, and adjustable water pressure, further enhanced the user experience. The Future: The Toilet as a Time Machine As technology continues to advance, the toilet has the potential to evolve into a veritable "time machine" of the restroom. Smart toilets, equipped with sensors and microprocessors, can analyze urine and feces for health markers, providing users with valuable insights into their overall well-being. These toilets can also connect to the internet, allowing users to monitor their health data remotely and receive personalized health recommendations. Some futuristic concepts envision toilets that utilize advanced filtration and purification systems to recycle waste into usable resources. This closed-loop approach to sanitation could revolutionize waste management and contribute to a more sustainable future. Conclusion: A Reflection of Society and Innovation The evolution of the toilet mirrors the broader progress of human civilization. From the simple designs of antiquity to the sophisticated marvels of the modern age, the toilet stands as a testament to human ingenuity and our unwavering pursuit of comfort, hygiene, and sustainability. As technology continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, the toilet's transformation into a time machine of the restroom may not be as far-fetched as it seems.